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"Hey. So, whats the next game we're playing?" I questioned.

"We've decided that the game we'll be playing is dodgeball." 

----------Start of Chapter 19----------

"Dodgeball? Fuck yeah." I say as Rias and Akeno approach us.

"We'll meet the Sitri's tomorrow night in the gym. So, lets win this." Rias said and everyone replied.


Asia and Issei looked at us all before something was said.

"Thanks for playing for us, guys." Asia said with a smile.

"Yeah, for real." Issei followed up.

"Of course. I mean, I'm not gonna let that pipsqueak, Saji call us a bunch of sluts and get away with it. I am competing, right?" I stand up and look at Rias who nods.

"Oh, he's gonna feel a whole new world of pain. Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Asia, you coming?" I ask and she nods as she began gathering her things.

I open a portal as Asia and I say our goodbyes before walking through the portal to our home.


-----Your PoV-----

"Dammit!" I yelled as I threw the broken training sword to the side and sat on the grass in my backyard.

I started training a few minutes ago and it wasn't going well.

'I can't even put the whole sword back together again. I tried to lower the amount of power I used from the last time but it just doesn't fucking work...'

'Patience, Y/N. You will get it in due time.' Niryth replied and I sighed.

'Yeah... yeah, I know. I just want to figure it out soon. If I want to see again and as soon as possible then I'll need to figure this 'Rewind' thing out, and quick.' I tell her as I stand up and walk inside my house.

I decided to call it a night and get some sleep, hoping that some rest would help me think of ways I could unlock this new Eye.

I began down the hallway passing by Asia's room before I stopped in my tracks. There was something... odd telling me to check on her before I went to my room for the night.

I thought for a moment before I let my paranoia carry me back to her bedroom door. I grabbed the handle and slowly turned it as not to wake her up. I pushed the door open lightly and scanned the room, seeing Asia sleep peacefully as the moonlight shone brightly into her room. 

I let out a breathe of relief and shook my head as I shut the door to her room. I stood in front of the door as I rubbed my eyes.

'I'm really losing it, huh?' I chuckled to myself as I began walking down the hall towards my room.

I began entering my room before I heard the sound of footsteps moving quickly on the wood floors of the house. I turned my head to look at what caused the sound before my face was met with a hard kick, easily breaking my nose.

I was pushed back by the force, slamming into the wall behind me as I felt a hand grab me by the shirt and begin lifting me up. I quickly summoned Heaven's Sight and froze time as I looked at the person in front of me.

I looked at their features as I stood up, grabbing my nose in pain. The person who had just attacked me had spikey hair with white roots and black tips. It was almost like his hair was naturally changing its color to white although he looked no older than my age. He had an extremely angered expression on his face and an eyepatch which covered his left eye.

Heavenly Dragon Emperor (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now