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Five's P.O.V

It was morning and I told Mile's to wait outside because this may get messy which he did stay outside nice to know I can control him and he's on a lower level than me. As I wait for one minute roughly finally a doctor comes and talks to me "Uh can I help you" He asks walking over. "Oh yeah I need to know who this belongs to."I say in my bet nice voice. "Where did you get that"He asks Don't be rude I told myself "I found it at a playground actually must of just, "I clicked my tongue before continuing "popes right out, I want to return it to its rightful owner" The secretary buts in and says "aww,  what a thoughtful young man" I smile and say "yeah, can you look up the name for me will ya" The doctor started to talk so I looked at him "Oh I'm sorry but a patients records are strictly confidential, that means I can't tell you-"before he could finish I said "yeah I know what it means" then he starts saying "but I can tell you what I can do. I will take the eye out of your eyes and return it to their rightful owner, I'm sure, I'm sure him her will be very grateful" I flinch back as he try's to grab it "yeah your not teaching this eye.

"well you listen hear young man" Before I could allow him to finish I grab him so I stare into his eyes and he's my height "no you listen here asshole, I've come a long way for this, through some shit you little pea brain couldn't comprehend, so give me the information I need and ill be on my merry way, and you call me young man one more time I'm going to put you head through that dammn wall!" I hear the secretary mumble "oh dear" before the doctor says "call security" I push him back and head for the door but putting my middle finger up at him as I leave.

Miles p.o.v

So Five wants me and Klaus to pretend to be his brother and dad great, I don't even get paid whilst Klaus is getting a 20, not fair, but I'm bored so might as well. And he's shoved us in a closet wow whilst he talks to sweet child Vanya. As we got out I tripped head butting Fives bed well I tripped because of Klaus giving my self a slight black eye. Five looked at Klaus then said "I thought I told you to wear something nice, professional." "this is my nicest outfit" "we'll raid the old mans closet" "whatever as long as I get paid" "when the job is done" I follow them out. They stop at the stairs because of Klaus talking

"so let me get the dinner details straight, like I was really young like 16 when I had you and terribly misguided, your mother that SLUT, who ever she was we met at the ... disco, ok remember that. omg the sex was, aaamazzinngg," I push past Klaus and say "what a terrible glimpse into the thing you call a brain" W e start walking downstairs "hey Miles don't make me put you in time out" Five laughs as we leave for the hospital.

"Like I said to your son, what's his name" Before Klaus could think of anything I said quickly "that's my twin brother Cinco" The doctor continuous "Any information about a client is strictly, without a clients consent, I simply can't help you" I stand up and lean on the desk "well doctor if we don't have a name how are we meant to get there" The doctor intertwines his fingers with his other hand and says bluntly "Well that's not my problem, well there's really not anything I can do" Klaus stands up and says "and what about my consent" The doctor looked confused and said "excuse me" Klaus now stood up property

"Who gave you consent to lay your hands on my son and now his twin" "what" We all say except Klaus who continuous "well how did Cinco get that swollen lip then:" The doctor looks at Five and says " he doesn't have a swollen lip" Klaus walks Five across the face before saying "I want the information now please." "you crazy" "why thank you" Klaus picks up the globe from the table reading out what it says " peace on earth, that's so sweet" before smashing it on is head and grabbing a shard of glass and cutting me up blood streaming down my face as I fake cry as well. I pick up the phone and cry into it "security they're been an assault in Mr Lance's office, we need you now" I say as Fives good trickles down his face and Five smirks and I hit five giving him a black eye. Klaus starts talking "in about 60 seconds security are going to come in a see a whole lot of blood and were going to say 'you beat the shit out of us' Lance searches up the serial number on his computer before security walks in.

I start to fake shaking as the people enter they usher me and Five out seating us in a different room then Klaus a women in front of us "hello boys, I'm Officer.Patch ok you can trust me ok I won't hurt you, can you please tell me what happened, you can take your time ok we have all the time." I look at Five and hug him wilts shaking acting is key right now. I make tears stream down one and Fives face "I know your called Mile's and Cinco and your twins right, well boys what's your surnamed age is" I look at five then whisper to him 'say Stenbrough trust me I just told Klaus that' Five put his arm around me and shakily says "Cinco and Miles stenbrough and we are 12" Patch nods her head and says "ok can you tell me what happened" I nod and say "welll Cinco wanted to return an eye we found at a playground a-and we went to talk to the guy in there and see he hit my bro and threw a snow globe at dad as well as used the shards of g-glass to c-cut me" She nods and writes it down.

She got her phone out and then said "boys are you sure those are your names and ages because your not written down" I sigh and say "Dad didn't want our mom to find us since she would abuse us so he named us himself as our surnames so she couldn't hurt us" She nods "ok boys ive just wrote you down as real people ok so you should be fine now lets go get your dad now yeah" We both nod and follow patch to see Klaus we run up to him and hug him. As we leave the hospital I again start humming "could you quite that" Fie pissed like said "well it might save the day or make you happy one day"

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