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Mile's P.O.V

Everyone was going to go do there random business so I teleported over to Lila since im bored and she knows I like five I teleport and see five with his foot on Lila's neck whilst talking to the handler. I roll my eyes "let the Lila up five you don't want to kill her"He pushes down harder "FIVE LET HER STAND UP"He groans lifting his foot up "you ok"I say to Lila helping her up "yeah you"I nod She goes up to fives face muttering "I am going to so enjoy killing you" I sigh pulling her back slightly "we all will" Five looked a bit angry at what I said "Lila darling will you please take your boyfriend out of the room we need to talk" I was about to punch her "yeah the grown ups need to talk"Five smirks I stamp on his foot then spit on it I did it to show hatred.

As me and Lila walk of she throws a metal thing on the floor which I throw at five he catches it and smiles at me I walk over to a table with Lila "have you told Diego?"I ask calmly she shook her head but then nodded I give her the carry on look "well we had sex and now he hates me what about you and five" I groan "kissed in a closet well he kissed me to shut me up and that's about it. She smirked and made a kiss face I laugh and do it back. I hear a clap then Five yell "miles cmon were leaving and stop having a laugh with the enemy" I groan getting up and running up to five.

He grabbed my hand teleporting us into a building we walk into the elevator as the door was about to close Allison holds her hand out re opening the door as the whole family walks in I stand next to Diego and facing Five until Diego pushed me into him we barely dodged lips Five smirks wrapping his arms around my waist facing us forwards lightly smile till I smell something bad "lutherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"me and Klaus say I lift my t-shirt over my nose turning to the side getting away from five.

Once we get to the floor we all rush out of the elevator I step down the steps near next to Five "when dad gets here I do the talking"I sigh but nods "actually me and miles have a few questions for him our self don't we" I shrug when five looks at me "look we don't want to scare him of"I sigh then turn flinching when I see dad walks in we all stand and wait for dad to sit which he did I was going to sit in my own chair before Five pulls me into his lap which I just sit looking at dad "not only have you burglarised my lab, set my chimp loose, conned your way into Mexican conciliate,  repeatedly stalked and attacked me, but you have on numerous adaptions Called me," Klaus who had stood up sat down saying "hey pap how's it hanging" I roll my eyes.

"dad, my reconistendings say you're not from CIA, not KGB certainly not MI5. so who are you" I gulp shifting slightly so dad or was dad or future dad whatever could see Five better "were your children... from the future. In 1989 us doped us raised us to fight against the end of the world this boy you froze in time then later trained him. You called us the umbrella academy." I feel fives grip on me tighten "why on earth would I adopt seven..." Before he could continue Allison spoke "eight one of us isn't here" I look down "dead"Diego says quickly I see Klaus turn behind him and say hushes so I assume its his ghost buddy or something. 

"Regards what would make me want to adopt eight children ill mannered complements"He looked at Luther for that one so I giggle lightly earning I hit on the ass from Five that made me scared. "we all have super power abilities" I say proudly "well call we old fation but I want proof" I sigh as Diego throws a knife at dad it then warping around him hitting a pillar. "You are zero to two young man" Diego gets avoid and gets up ready for a fight Five teleports over. So I walk over instead. " now that is interesting" dad says writing something down "Ok quick run down, Luther super strength, Klaus can commune with the dead and make people see them, Allison can rumour anyone to do something,-"

Five being cut off by Diego "except she never uses it" We all sir back down "I heard a rumour you punched your self in the face" I sit on the spare chair whilst Diego punches himself. " and you two" I gulp  and Allison says "maybe Vanya doesn't do a test run and Miles has basically every one of our powers but its hard for him to focus on one" Vanya rolls her eyes and grabs a fork knocking it on the glass drink she has making the food in the middle explode "Miles  clean up" Diego mutters so I grab control cleaning it up back to normal then grabbing vanes hand and promoting energy then making the fruit bowl fly and fall back down into an infinite loop in the corner, "now that is good" Dad says writing something down again.

"ok so Reginald you took a lot o my power out and gave it to others" I say quickly Diego says something about the president so Dad goes of at him I roll my eyes teleporting over to him giving him a hug lightly, "you w-w-w-w-rong" Diego stutters out I click my fingers and it makes his tears go away.  Five talks to Dad then I see Klaus basically having a seizure I sprint over him trying to get out "im........, ben" I roll my eyes mustering up my power I show ben for like five seconds then I loose power and pass out but before I do I shout "BEN ITS OK WE GET IT YOU DONT LIKE BEING KLAUSES SHADOW JUST MAKE ME MAKE THEM SEE YOU" 

NoBodys P.O.V

"you boy come and talk to me" Five groans he picks up Miles bridal style before walking over with Reginald as they both and a passed out miles have sat at the bar counter they hold a drink "this world ends in 5 days if we don't get out of it" Five says brushing through Mile's hair lightly. "worlds end"Reginald says seriously glaring curiously at Five, "I need your help your my last sane option, other wise I've got to make a deal I don't want to make and he won't want me to make," Reginald nodded "have you ever time traveled" Five nods and says "but botched it went to far into the future. now we tried to make the family time travel back wards but went to far" Reginald looked down at the boy in Fives lap how Five was playing with his hair "maybe your appetite is bigger in proportion to your abilities, start small seconds not decades" Five shakes his head "seconds I'm sorry I need more time than that"Reginald takes another sip of his drink then speaking again "a lot can change in a matter of seconds, one could over throw an empire... One could fall in love" He says gesturing to the boy in his lap. Five looked down stroking Miles cheek "I had wished you had more for me then that." Reginald drinks what's left of his drink "no skin on me old man and I would recommend you date your love"Reginald says coldly Five shook his head then drinking his drink.

Five teleported him and Miles into Elliots place sitting him next to the door writing a note

Look after Him don't let anyone hurt miles you got it going to do something real quick


Five teleported to the place where the handler was staying opening the door Five knocks impatiently "ah right in time for night cap" She pours two drinks passing one to five "to be clear, I kill the board you get me and my family home, no more doomsday no more apocalypse is that correct" Five says harshly watching her in case of any sudden movements which she just lays down on the bed "that's the deal" She holds up a piece of paper which five grabs "then Im in" 

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