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Peggy was sound asleep against Steve's chest when cries came from the once sleeping Evelyn. Steve quickly got her and started rubbing her back and bouncing her gently. Peggy sat up tired "does she need a bottle or to be changed?" She said voice croaky. Steve nodded "I think she needs a bottle" Peggy got up and started making her a bottle and handed it to him. "Phillips called whilst you were down stairs pretending to be dead or whatever... we are going to my mothers house for two reasons it's too obvious for us to be at a hotel and second she still has all the baby stuff from when I was a child so we can take better care of her" Steve smiled and nodded continuing to feed her "peg?". She smiled "mhmmm" Steve but his lip not making eye contact with her "are we going to be like sleeping together or are they going to make me sleep on the couch?"

Peggy thought for a bit "I'll talk to them" Steve nodded and smiled "alright... another question peg..." Peggy smiled "shoot". Steve took a deep breath in "when this is all over would you go out with me?". Peggy smiled and blushed "I'd love to captain I really would" Steve smiled and looked at her "wait really?" Peggy nodded and pecked his lips "yep".

*10 that morning*
Peggy woke up back on Steve's chest with Evie sound asleep she smiled and started to get up when Steve wrapped his muscular arms around her and held her tightly. She sighed happily and melted into his arms. "Morning Gorgeous" he said voice still relatively croaky "morning" she said as a blush crept up her cheeks. He let her go "we better start getting ready huh" she got up slowly and nodded "Yea mum's expecting us around 12 or 1" she said taking off her clothes. Steve stood there jaw dropped "wow..." he said as Peggy started finding her clothes "what captain?" She said with a little smile on her face he walked over to her slowly and kissed her softly, she giggled and kissed him back when Evelyn started crying "you get that it takes you 5 minutes to get ready" Steve nodded and started calming down Evelyn while Peggy did her hair makeup and got dressed. "I can take her now you can get ready" she opened her arms up and took her gently and held her tight. Steve smiled at peg and got dressed and packed their bags "alright let's go and peggy we are going to need to hide the baby a bit I'm sure that man has realised it's gone" Peggy nodded and brought the baby closer to her chest wrapping her coat around her.
They walk downstairs and get into a taxi heading straight for peggys parents house.

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