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"PEGGY, STEVE THERES SOMEONE ON THE PHONE FOR YOU" Steve ran downstairs to the phone answering "hello Captain Rogers speaking" the colonel chuckled "you and Carter have one last mission other than the kid get your asses to the airport in an hour your coming back" and with that he hung up.
Peggy was walking downstairs holding Evie in her arms rubbing her back "what happened darling?" Steve sighed leaning against the wall "we gotta pack and be at the airport in an hour" Peggy looked at him shocked "a-alright" Steve smiles sadly "I'll pack, you say bye to your mum and everything okay honey?" Peggy nodded silently and went and sat at the dinner table. Steve ran upstairs and started packing as quick as he could.

*later at the airport*
"Rogers, Carter follow me" colonel was there surprisingly Peggy and Steve were shocked and followed him towards the jet getting in holding Evelyn to her chest Peggy was worried what the colonel would get them to do.

"Sit down" he said when they got inside, Peggy and Steve sat down looking at each other gently rubbing Evie's back. Steve rested his hand on peggys thigh comfortingly, Phillips saw this and looked at the two shaking his head "Schmidt has been located and we need you to kill him" he said smiling. Peggy was slightly shocked but nodded, "sir this isn't going to be easy is this" Steve said squeezing peggys thigh gently, he shook his head "you have a large chance of dying but you being you I'm doubting you will" Peggy and Steve looked at each other thinking about them both dying, they were scared but they needed to do this.

"During that time the child will be taken by an agent and be held at base she will be able to be collected by you two once the mission is completed" Peggy hugged the baby right to her chest kissing her cheek and rubbing her back. She didn't want to leave her but she had to and eventually everything would work out, they could be a family you could say.

Arriving to base Peggy reluctantly handed Evelyn over to one of the other agents and followed Steve to go get changed. "Darling" she said softly reaching for his hand, he held her hand and pulled her to face him in one of the empty conference rooms. "Peggy if this mission doesn't go to plan I just want to tell you how much I love you and that you are everything to me. I want to have a life with you and I hope we can get through this so I can fulfil that" he said cupping her cheeks wiping the tears from her cheek. Steve brought her up and kissed her sweetly and softly. Different from any other kiss not a goodbye not anything but a promise that one day they after the war they would be together and have a life together.

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