chapter two

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"PEGGY?!" Steve yelled as a new gun created by hydra was pointed at her and charged to shoot. She froze knowing exactly what was going to happen Steve ran throwing his shield in front of her and grabbed her by the waist and landed on his back. The robot saw them and fired again missing by about half a metre. He threw her over his shoulder and bolts into the woods far from the base. Peggy had been knocked out and was unconscious, Steve placed her down under a tree and felt for her pulse. "come on peg" he said as he felt around her neck, he could see her chest rising and falling which gave him a rush of relief. He sat there for 10 minutes trying to ignore the sounds of guns and Grenades going off in the distance waiting for her to wake up. Then she woke "oh god what happened," she said dryly as she tried to sit up realising she was cradled in Steve's lap tightly. She smiled, Steve went bright red "Peggy I'm so sorry here I'll let you down" Peggy stopped him "no it's fine to let me get my head back together and then yea we will get back to whatever was happening". Steve sighed he didn't want to let her go back out there and potentially get hurt again. "I don't want you to get hurt" Peggy got mad at that "I'll be fine for god's sake" she tried standing up when a sharp pain crashed through her stomach. "Oh, shit," she said as she grabbed onto the tree. Steve worried held her arm "what's wrong Peggy" she lowered herself down sitting next to him holding onto the tree and him "I was shot before and I forgot until now" she said as she swallowed back tears. Steve stood up and crouched down next to her "where is it" Peggy shook her head "it's fine I'll be fine" she said as she took deep breaths. "Can I see?" He said quietly she nodded and lifted her shirt "it's there" it went through her lower stomach on the left side but was covered up with her pants. "Steve what's wrong," she said worriedly he stood there bright red scared to ask if he could pull down the corner of her pants to see it so he could try to help her.

"I-uh the wound it's covered by your pants and I don't wanna make you uncomfortable," he said quietly looking away from her. She chuckled unbuckled her belt and looked at Steve "pull them to where you can see the wound I trust you on that captain" Steve did as he was told and pulled her pants just down to where her panties started revealing a small bullet wound oozing blood. Peggy winced when Steve touched her stomach to try and see if it was deep or not... it was so deep he couldn't get it out on his own. "Your gonna have to get it removed at medical" Peggy sighed "oh bloody hell, would u mind doing my pants back up... sorry" Steve chuckled and lifted her hips and pulled them up and buckled them gently so they wouldn't be putting too much pressure on the wound. "Thanks, captain," she said as she sat up carefully "if I carry you I could get you to medical and patched up in less than half an hour..." Peggy wasn't sure whether she should or not but she wanted to get back in the field ASAP. "If you could," she said as Steve picked her up bridal style "you're not too uncomfortable are you?" Peggy shook her head. Then Steve ran making it to base in 10 minutes. "Agent Carter has been shot," he said as he walked in with her in his arms. She felt weak and horrible but she was in excruciating pain.

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