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"Lay her down on the table" the nurse said coldly, Steve complied and laid her gently down on the table . "I'm gonna need you to get out captain she's a woman it's inappropriate for you to be here" Steve nodded and started walking towards the exit "Steve" a voice came quietly from the direction he just walked from. He turned around the nurse looking mad in the corner and Peggy sitting there with tears in her eyes. "Can you stay?" she said with a small smile on her face trying to hide the pain. Steve walked over to her and stood next to her she reached for his hand "they don't have any medication for the pain" she said. The nurse grabbed a pain of tweezers and a scalpel and made the wound slightly bigger so she could reach the bullet. Peggy squeezes Steve's hand really tightly trying not to cry but she couldn't help it and she let a tear fall from her eyes. Steve wiped It away and held her hand until it was all over.
"Your all done" the nurse said as she tied off the stitches "id suggest try and get a day or two off" Steve looked at Peggy "will she have to run that across Phillips?" Steve said "yea but because you aren't injured you can't stay with your girlfriend sorry" Peggy sat up and winced "we aren't dating he's a good friend" she said as she put her hand on her stomach. "Could I have some help up captain" Steve wrapped his arm around her and helped her up "there we are how's that feeling now" Steve said with a soft smile "better" she said looking at him smiling. The nurse scoffed "good friends" she said raising her tears eyebrows and walking off. "Do you want me to help you back to base?" Peggy thought for a minute "I don't want to be a trouble plus I can walk fine" she let go of Steve's arm and walked by herself a few metres "see?!" she said smiling.

Steve chuckled "I know but I don't want anything bad to happen so I'm gonna take you got it" peggy smiled "yea you saved my ass again for like the millionth time" she said walking to the truck taking them back to base "I know" he said with a chuckle "thankyou, I would probably be dead right now if it wasn't for you" she hopped in and they Stayed silent for the rest of the trip back.

"Here let me help you" Steve said as he got out of the truck "no no I'm alright" she said as she got out, Steve didn't want her to pop her stitches but she insisted as the independent woman she is to do it herself. Steve and Peggy walked into Phillips office
"Ahh Rogers, Carter what are you guys doing back so early" Steve looked at Peggy worried then at Phillips "she was shot in the hip sir and the nurse has suggested a few days off" colonel looked at Peggy then at Steve "and why should I give her those days?" Steve got antsy "because she's a brilliant agent who just got shot in battle, and does not deserve to be treated any different" colonel Phillips chuckled "don't get so defensive Rogers have you got a crush on her?" Peggy looked at the colonel "sir I..." colonel shushed her "I was talking to Rogers" Steve replied "I don't have a crush on Agent Carter, she's another agent or soldier which I don't want getting hurt" colonel Phillips muttered under his breathe "he's got a crush" Steve sighed and so did Peggy "you both get two days leave" peggy smiled softly "thank you sir" and with that they left.

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