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"Peg would you be able to ask your mum or something if she has more formula because we are out?" Peggy nodded and hopped down the stairs "mum question?" Amanda Carter was in the kitchen cooking tea "yes darling what is it" Peggy leaned against the kitchen table "do you have anymore formula for Evelyn? she's starving" Amanda nodded "upstairs in your bathroom there is a change table underneath are clothes baby powder and a new tin of formula I went out to the shops earlier to grab it" Peggy smiled "thankyouuu" she said sprinting upstairs.

"Steve darling there's a change table in my bathroom and it has all that stuff mummy bought it for us before we came" she said with a big smile on her face "ooh can I get her ready?" Evelyn had just had a bath and was in her nappy wrapped in a towel on Peggys bed. "Yes if you'd like just make sure you get the right size of the onesie some of them was from when I was older" Steve picked up a small pink onesie with buttons down the front and floral sleeves and pant legs. Peggy smiled "that's pretty now pick out a Beanie for her and then we can pop downstairs for tea" he said kissing his cheek. Steve got her dressed and started making her a bottle and was feeding her when Amanda called out "teas ready!" Peggy smiled "come on I can feed her at dinner" she went to take her when Steve smiled "I can feed her darling" he walked downstairs with her and said hi to Amanda and Harrison "ah steve take a seat" the table was a dark wood with 6 chairs surrounding it. Peggy walked downstairs "Steve I told you I can feed her it's nothing to worry about" Steve smiled innocently "I can do it peggy now sit you leave bum down and eat dinner" Peggy scoffed "you can't give me orders" when Amanda jumped in "oh for gods sake stop arguing like an old married couple and eat, Steve you can eat and feed her okay?" Peggy sighed and sat down and so did Steve.

Amanda looked at them "you two dig in for gods sake" Peggy started eating and so did steve as he fed baby Evelyn. Amanda and Harrison sat down "after tea we can take her for a bit and you two can have a break go out and get dessert I don't know stay upstairs and talk up to you". Steve and Peggy looked at each other then Peggy spoke up "please I would appreciate it dearly to be honest I just want my normal life back" she said shoving a mouthful of peas into her mouth. Steve smiled "thankyou we would appreciate it a lot". Harrison chuckled "oh Steve you have more manners than my daughter" Peggy sat up "I have lots of manners thank you very much" Steve chuckled "peg your slouching with your elbows on the table" Steve said quietly. Peggy fixed her posture and took her elbows off the table "Sorry".

Soon dinner was finished steve helped Amanda wash up the dishes and Peggy and Harrison cleaned and cleared the table. Evelyn was later on the couch in the living room between a few pillows. Peggy was about to pick her up when Steve snuck up behind Peggy and started tickling her she started giggling and jumped. He picked her up laid her on the couch and kept tickling her "do you want to go out or stay home?" He said stopping tickling her and keeping it PG so her parents wouldn't get mad. Peggy asked "stay home, I wanna teach you how to dance actually" she said softly steve nodded "alright then" Peggy smiled "perfect".

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