Chapter 8; Open Eyes

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His name ran through my head non stop. 

It felt like I had been sitting in blackness for days, nothing but the sound of my thoughts to keep me company. Frozen, unable to move.

Until now, that was.

Slowly, I began to hear a faint beeping noise. It startled me at first. Then I felt something. I could move whatever it was. My fingers! The beeping noise grew from a nice background noise to an annoying, loud, noise. 

Suddenly, my eyes shot open, the bright lights and white room blinding me at first. I panic, not knowing where I am. I sit up quickly, causing my vision to go fuzzy. I realize i'm in a hospital.

No one was in the room with me. I relax, and pull my knees up to my chest.

I go to rub my eyes and run a hand through my hair. I remember the last thing that happened.  I was shot... As soon as I remember a pain blossoms in my arm.

I wince. It gradually grows more present and painful. I end up sighing in defeat and flop back onto my back. 

A nurse walks in.

"Oh my goodness! You're awake!" 

I look at her and nod.

"Can you speak for me?" She asks.

"Where's Clay?" I ask. He was the last person I saw, he needed to know i'm okay.

"I don't know who Clay is honey," She says. 

"Have I had visitors?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

"Yes, a few. A young girl with long brown hair and pale skin. And a young man with blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles," She says. Beginning to take my pulse and change the bandages on my arm.

"He was the last person I saw..." I whisper.

"When was he here last?" I ask her. Her blue eyes look at me.

"Maybe around half an hour ago, he said he's be back in a bit," 

I sigh. Nothing to do but wait.

After a little bit, the nurse left. I grab my phone off the bedside table and begin to scroll through my notifactions. 

It showed today was the 20th. But I went to the cafe on the 15th...

5 DAYS?!

I sit up again, pulling my knees to my chest. The door opens, but I pay it no mind, thinking it was another nurse.

"Y/N?! You're awake!" CLAY!

I feel arms wrap around me, I instantly hug back.

"I was just going for a walk, saw you, went to go say hi, then everyone started getting shot," He whispers, giving me a small squeeze. 

I squeeze back. I was going to say something heartfelt, but first, play time.

"Aww did little pissbaby miss me?" I say like a toddler, sticking out my bottem lip.

"Shut the fuck up. I will walk out," He says.

I chuckle.

"Okay I'm sorry. I saw you before I blacked out. I was trying to say something but I couldn't," I say.

"But you did say something!" I nearly choke on my own spit. I can't remember saying anything. WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY!

"What did I say?" I ask calmly.

"You just kinda said my name, then went limp. I picked you up and carried you over to the ambulances,"

I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't say anything stupid. 

We talked for a while, then Chloe came.


"Chloe!" I reach up for a hug, then I notice she has food.

"IS THAT FOOD!" I shout, she giggles.

"You're favorite. F/F!" She says pulling out the food from the bag. 

She handed Clay some food too. Eventually it was time to go to bed. 

"You took night shift last night,  I got tonight, I'll text you in the morning when they wake up," Clay says to Chloe. She nods, before saying goodnight to me and leaving.

Once she's out of the room I ask what 'the night shift' was.

"Well, you were saying things in your mini coma, and you looked in pain, so we would take turns watching you overnight, since the nurses here suck," He explains.

I nod. I settle into sleep. 

"Goodnight, Clay," I whisper.

"Night Y/N,"

-Clay POV- 

I watched as they settled into slumber. As I heard soft snores I smiled. 

"Y/N! Answer me Y/N!" I sprinted over to them. They were on their knees, clutching their bleeding arm.
I grabber their shoulders. 
"Clay..." I gently squeezed them.
"Y/N!" I shout again, trying to get her to remain concious.
"Clay, I love you," They fell limp after the last word. I grabbed them and carried them to the ambulances. 

"Oh Y/N, if only you knew I felt the same way," I whisper. 

I settle into my chair, falling into a light sleep.

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