Chapter 18; Arguments

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TW// Suicide mentions, suicide

I was a little sad to say goodbye to the two of them, but I knew I would see them again, and I could still talk to them.

As Clay drove away from the airport Chloe had texted me, asking to come home.

Clay began driving to his house so I could get my bag and drive back to my house with my car.

"Bye bye Clay," I say, hugging him.

"Bye bye Y/N, I'll see you soon," 

I kiss him goodbye before heading out the door and driving home.

I walk through the front door.

"I'm home!"

"Finally! Where were you?" Chloe practially stormed down the stairs.

"I was at Clay's-"

"Well thanks for telling me!"

"Chloe I was planning on going after school and I was going to-"

"Oh so you skipped class?!"

"I got scared from a nightmare I had-"

"And he was going to fix that!?"

"He was dead in the dream! I needed to know he was okay!"

"You didn't! I'm just looking out fo-"

"NO! I'm fucking 20 years old! I can take care of myself when it comes to my personal life!"

"What have you done for me! I've given you everything!"

"I saved you from a woman who didn't even Fucking love you anymore!"

She dropped silent. I was heated. My face had an expression of anger as I waited for a comeback from her.


She fell silent again, as if she was thinking what she was about to say was to harsh.

"Say it!" I push.

"I wish your suicide attempt worked! I wish you had sucessfully killed yourself!" She spat out at me.

I froze, throat going tight, my fists clench at my sides. 

"Me too," I say coldly before I push past her and out the front door again. I run down the sidewalk. 

It's an hour's DRIVE, do you want to walk for probably triple that?

The voice was right, I probably should have grabbed my phone and car keys before I stormed out. 

Whatever, I'll do it.

It's been an hour, I'm halfway there. My legs hurt from the walking I was doing but it was a good workout. I think.

I didn't have my phone on me, it was in my backpack, which was back home. I should have kept it in my pocket.

Slowly the houses disapeared and trees took their place the longer I walked. And finally, I was where I wanted to be.

I've been here so many times, but really only once.

I walk through the forest, birds chirping. The grass felt soft against my feet as I walked through nature. 

The air smelled of the sea, and plantlife. The gentle splash of waves hitting the shore could be heard in the distance as I walked closer and closer to the field.  My fingers brushed against the bark of trees as the forest grew thinner, the trees growing farther and farther apart.

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