Chapter 15; Broken

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She looked angry.


"You bitch!" She shouts at me. 

"What did I do?" I yell as she shoves me into a wall. I hear footsteps running down the stairs, presumable Oliver and Jacob coming to see the chaos.

"It's your fault I'm like this! It's your fault she's gone!"

Who?! Oh. 


"Chloe she threw GLASS at you! She hurt you! She cheated on you! She SHOT ME AND NEARLY KILLED ME! She's straight now!" I yell. Did she really forget the bad things Gabbie did to her?

"If you had just let me handle it we would have broken up and I would be fine,"

"No you wouldn't be! You wouldn't have been able to bring yourself to do what I did!" 

"How are you not hurt!?"

"I was hurt by it! I lived with you and her for 2 YEARS! I grew to love her like another sister, but when she hurt you as much as it hurt me to get rid of her, I knew it had to be done!" 

Chloe's eyes were filled to the brim with tears. I was scared, and didn't notice I was gripping the small charm on my necklace tightly. I dropped my hand to my side.

Chloe's eyes locked on the small charm hanging around my neck on a chain.

It felt like it happened in slow motion.

I yelled out as she grabbed the small charm and yanked it over my head, pulling the necklace off. I tried to grab it from her, but she threw the necklace onto the floor. My eyes widened as she stomps over and over again on the charm, breaking it into pieces.

She stepped off it, looking more angry then ever.

"Chloe what the fuck!" I hear Jacob shout.

My eyes began to fill with tears, and I let them slip down my cheeks.

I finally turn my head to look at Chloe.

"That was my last link to Mom and you destroyed it..." I say. I let in a shaky breath.

Oliver and Jacob had come stand beside me. 

"Y/N, it's okay. Its okay I promise," Oliver says as he pulls me into a hug. I'm still looking at Chloe, and I can see the regret in her eyes as she looked back down towards the smashed pieces of my necklace.

I push Oliver away and run up to my bedroom, locking the door behind me so Oliver and Jacob couldn't come in.

I don't want to see anyone. 

I curl into a ball besides Polly, stroking her back. I cry. 

Buzz Buzz

I look at the caller ID, and see Clay wanting to FaceTime. I answer pointing the phone at the ceiling. 

"Hey Y/N!" He calls, I hear Nick and George in the background.

I sniffle. "Hey," I say coldly.

"What happened? Didn't you just get home?" He asks.

"Chloe broke my necklace,"  I say, finally turning the phone towards me. I look like a wreck, im crying in bed cuddling a cat.

It got Clay pissed. Then Nick and George came to see what was happening. So Clay told them, then They got pissed.

We talked for a while, before I finally hung up the phone and let Oliver and Jacob in. 

They suggested that to get my mind of my necklace we watched a horror movie. We decided to pick one we've been wanting to watch for a while.

The Bye Bye Man

A/N: I'm sorry it's short, but the next  one will be longer I promise. Go drink some water, eat something, do your homework (If you have any) And get some sleep okay?

Necklace; Dream x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora