Chapter 16; Nighmares and Classes

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Tw// Guns blood death

Directed by ---------

Oliver and Jacob were clinging to each other like the gays they are. Whereas I was laughing my ass off at the movie.

It was slightly scary, with some gore and jump scares, but it was really good.  

I had completely forgotten about Chloe and my necklace until there was a knock at my bedroom door.

I sigh and go over to open it.

"Y/N! Please, I wasn't thinking, I acted on impulse-" She begins to explain.

"Shut up Chloe. You broke something that meant so much to me that can't be replaced," 

"Well actually," She holds out her necklace from Mom. 

It's her necklace. But its identical. But it's not mine. But it's from Mom....

"Fine. But this doesn't mean I forgive you," I take the necklace from her palm and close the door, walking back into my room. Oliver helps me clip it together. 

We sit in silence on the bed for a moment. A small smile makes its way onto my face. I reach up to tuck some of my hair behind my ear. 

"It's getting late Y/N, we should head to bed. We have class tomorrow," Jacob says.

I nod. Walking over to my closet I toss them some pillows and blankets. The two of them get them selves set up on the floor as I snuggle into bed.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the two males cuddle up together. My lips curl into a smile.

My hand slips into Clay's. Our fingers interlock. The screen ahead of us is playing a movie, and we had waiting long enough to see it in the theater where there would be any people. 

Eventually the movie was over and we exited the theater, still holding hands. 
"I think they could have done a bit more special effects," I say. Clay nods in agreement.
Screams came from down in the main room. Clay and I ran towards the noise, growing worried. 
A loud sound of a gunshot made me duck and cover my head by instinct. Clay did the same. I looked back up towards the gunman, to see they were walking towards us.
My eyes widen, and Clay and I begin running the other way. 
Cornered. Fuck.
I turn to face Clay, his face had the same scared expression mine did. I pull him in for a kiss, with the knowledge that it might be the last one forever. Right after we pull apart he sweeps me into a hug. 
"OLIVER!" I heard what sounded like Jacob scream after another gunshot. I look over, seeing Oliver falling to the ground, blood spilling from his chest.
My eyes well with tears as Jacob fell to the ground as well as another gunshot sounded. 
I look away from my two dead best friends, Clay squeezing me gently. 
A light chuckle makes me turn my head. The gunman is standing in front of us.
I pull out of Clay's hug. I cover my ears as a loud gunshot is fired, the sound echoing throughout the building. My eyes were squeezed shut, expecting a searing pain. 
I look next to me. A pool of deep red blood spilling onto the grey carpet. It was Clay. He lay motionless on the ground, his lime hoodie beginning to soak with blood.
I look back towards the person as they once again pulled the trigger.....

I bolted upright in bed, drenched in a cold sweat. I was practically gasping for air, it was getting hard to breathe. I guess my sudden awakening woke Oliver and Jacob because they had scrambled to my side, trying to calm me down. 

"Y/N! It's okay! What happened?" Oliver's eyes were scanning my face, trying to get a hint of what happened. My eyes glance down to his chest, finding relief when I see he's not bleeding. I look at Jacob who was sitting beside him, a worried look on his face. I once again find relief in seeing he's also unharmed.

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