Chapter 20; Connection

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Over the course of a month, I slowly began reconnecting with everyone I had shut out. I was beginning to feel my emotions more and more as time went on.

Sometimes I would see Chloe standing in the corner watching me, but I would blink and she would be gone. 

Oliver and Jacob came next. They were happy to see me when I turned up at each of their doorsteps looking like myself again. My hair done up and wearing the bright clothes I normally would.

The more and more I recovered, the less I began to see Chloe. And I was happy. I was finally moving past this, finally going to go back to my normal life. Get a job, go back to school.

All my professors were extremely understanding as to why I wasn't attending classes. And when I finally returned, they welcomed be back with a smile.

And now it's March (I lost track of what day and month it was so we skip to March!)

I'm standing with Clay in the living room, looking out the window at the flowers starting to grow, and the muddy puddles on the ground. 

A rabbit hopped across the front yard, stopping to sniff a patch of grass before hopping away again.

A smile creeped its way onto my face as I leaned my head on Clay's shoulder. 

A comfterable silence settled in the room until his phone dinged.

"Nick want's me to join his stream with Tommy," He says beginning to walk to his streaming room.

"Okay, tell Nick I said hi!"

He nodded before walking off again.

I open twitch, deciding to watch Nick's stream.

(A/N: Sooooooooooo. Super short chapter. My motivation for writing has been really low for all my books and I wanted to get a short chapter out. I'm sorry its not my 1100+ words normal chapters but its something.

Also give me ideas for what you want to see in this book since I only have a few left and I want there to be still a lot of more chapters! So what would you like to see? 

Im also going to be on a short break from writing until my motivation gets back up there)

Thank you <3 


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