Chapter 6; FaceTime

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TW// In this chapter readers might be triggered by, finger guns

I woke to the smell of pancakes cooking. I smile. I remember I had slept with Chloe last night. I sit up in bed, stretching.

I get out from under the covers, greeting Polly who had just walked through the door. The cool air sent a shiver down my spine. I walk downstairs, hugging Chloe. I could tell she was still upset about Gabbie. I told her that she wasn't the one for her, and she would find someone better.


"PEW PEW BITCH!" I shout at Gabbie, putting up my finger guns. She puts up her finger guns, shouting 'PEW  PEW BITCH' back at me. I laugh, running and sliding under the table for cover. Before ducking out and shooting her with my finger guns. We had a full finger gun war, shouting 'PEW PEW BITCH!' The whole time, laughing and smiling.

Chloe handed me a plate of pancakes, and I sat down to eat. After I walked back upstairs. Clay FaceTimed me, a smile grew on my face before I answered.

"Hello Pissbaby," I say as I pick up.'

The end call sound plays and I erupt in laughter. After maybe half an hour he called back. I answer, still laughing.

"You're such an idiot," He says. I laugh more, at this point im wheezing. Polly was watching me from across the room with a confused look, making me laugh more.

After a few minutes I calm down. Clay and I were able to have a normal conversation, somehow. He asked if I wanted to meet George and Sapnap. It confused me for a second when he referred to Sapnap as Nick, but I figured it out pretty quickly.

I ran to my closet and got my clout goggles and Sapnap hoodie out of my closet as he added them to the call.

I hear voices as I pull the hoodie over my head. I go to sit back on my bed.

As my face comes into frame, I hear Gogy say,

"You must be Y/N, Clay talks a lot about you,"

Well fuck. 

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