Chapter 12; Rainy Nights

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The four of us hung out in the backyard for a while. George and Nick were discussing the way Clay and I kissed. Whereas Clay and I were just chilling and talking about minecraft.

Bitch doesn't have the guts to ask me out.

I get it, he said he doesn't know if he's ready. And I respect that. I just, I wish he knew. 

-Clay POV-

Am I ready for this? I don't know. When they kissed me, it was, to put it simply, amazing. Better then anyone I've ever kissed. 

Y/N and I were just chilling in the backyard, talking about Minecraft.

I place my hand on theirs. I see them glance at me, before grabbing my hand.

"What time is it?" They ask. I glace at my watch.

"Like 8pm," I respond.

They sigh. 

"I can't stay up much longer, I have an early class tomorrow," They say with a sigh.

"Awh, that sucks. Go get some sleep, I'll head home with the guys." I say, standing.

"Nick and George staying with you?" Y/N asks. I nod in response. They let out a hum. Y/N finally stands up.

"You and the guys can stay over tonight, a little sleepover," They say.

"Are you sure? You have class tomorrow," I say.

"Yeah, it's no big deal,"

I shrug as they walk inside, I go to tell the guys we're staying over.


I went upstairs to change. As I finished putting my shirt on, I heard a knock on my door. I open it to see Clay standing there.

"Hey, we'll be back, going to head home to change and grab blankets and shit," Clay says.

"You don't have to grab blankets, I have pillows and blankets you guys can use. Just grab your overnight stuff,"

He nods, and I follow them out the front door. As their car drives off I sit on the front lawn. I lay on my back, looking up at the stars.

They twinkle softly against the blackish blue night sky. I lay there for maybe 15 or so minutes before Clay's car came back. I sit up, greeting them as they walked inside to put their stuff away.

Just a few more moments...

I lay back down against the cool grass. Looking once again up at the stars. I hear the door creak open.

The 3 boys lay in the grass beside me, all of us looking up at the stars.

After maybe half an hour we went inside. 

It was a good thing we went inside at the time we did because not even 10 minutes later we heard the soft pitter patter of rain.

The three boys made me sleep on the bed, while they slept on the floor. I had told Chloe they were staying over. She was fine with it. Toni had gone home a while ago. 

I slipped into bed while the 3 boys made themsevles comfy. I rested my head on my pillow, the soft sounds of rain on my window lulling me to sleep.

I woke around my normal time. I wrote the guys a note saying I had already left for class. I grabbed my outfit of choice and walked into the bathroom.

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