Chapter 14; Cuddles

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"COME ON!" Jacob yelled. The rest of us burst into laughter. He was the first in the game to go backrupt, mostly because he kept landing on my hotels and the properties he owned only had maybe a house or two.

"It's okay babe," Oliver says, placing his hand on Jacob's shoulder through giggles.

"This is fucking homophobic," Jacob muttered. It caused us all to burst out in laughter again. Clay was wheezing his lungs out, Oliver had his head in his hands laughing, I was rolling on the floor.

A knock at my door told me Chloe was concerned. 

"Come in!" I shout through my fit of laughter.

"What is happen-" She opens the door, then stops at the sight of all of us laughing our asses of, but Jacob who looked pissed.

I calmed my fit of laughter into small giggles. 

"Jacob went backrupt first and he said it was homophobic-" I explain, instantly bursting back into massive laughter.

Chloe smiles, before leaving the room rolling her eyes.

"Jacob really pulled a James Charles on us-" Clay states, beginning to wheeze again. 


All of us were finding it hard to breathe through our fits of laughter. 

Clay was the next person to go backrupt in the game. 

I giggled knowing it was my fault with all of my hotels everyone kept landing on.

"Fuck you Y/N," Clay says.

I laugh.

"You know you love me,"

"Not anymore,"

I laugh again. I lean against him. He lifts his arm, pulling me close to him. I rest my head on his shoulder. He rested his chin on my head.

I glance at Oliver, seeing him smirking. I make a face at him, causing him to drop the dice. 


I smile, seeing Oliver move his four spaces, then roll again.


My smile grows bigger. He moved 6 spaces, landing on my hotel spot. I was given the money. I see him start to grow nervous as he throws the dice.


I laugh. Until he throws up his get out of jail free card.

My face drops. 

I land on Oli's hotel spot. I hand him the money, both of us having less then $1000

He lands on boardwalk, which I had some houses on. He shouts out as he hands me the last of his money, to which I smirk.

After counting and everything, I came up as the winner.

I smiled at this. Clay had fallen asleep next to me. I gently woke him.

"It's getting late, you should go home and get some sleep, I can drive you?" He nods, rubbing his eyes.

Oliver and Jacob said they'd wait here while I dropped off Clay.

We walked downstairs. I gave Clay his clothes from earlier back. I guess Chloe had switched them to the dryer for me.

As we were headed out the door, I noticed Chloe seemed a little mad.

"You okay, Chloe?" I ask, concern laced into my words.

"Fine," She mutters. I shrug it off and go to drive Clay home.

When I came back to my house to hang out with Oliver and Jacob, I was stopped by Chloe at the door.

A/N; Sorry I haven't been updating for a few days. I was at my friends house over the weekend and i haven't had as much motivation as normal. But motivation is back and I've got the next bit of plot figured out :)

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