Chapter 19; The Funeral

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I walk through the chapel in my black outfit.

I was called up to the podium to give my speech about Chloe. My shoes make clicking sounds against the floor as I step up and look at the script i'd written.

Screw it.

"Chloe was my sister. I lived with her for about 2 and a half years after our mom passed. Dad had vanished when we were young, and neither us, or our mother knew where he went. Chloe was always such a supportive sister, through literally anything I was going through," I take a deep breath and try to suppress the tears in my eyes.

"Of course, like any siblings, we would agrue and butt heads. At the time she was with her girlfriend Gabbie, but after Gabbie began abusing Chloe, I knew she had to go. It was one of those times where your sibling has your back. I regret our last argument," I wipe my eyes remembering it.

"I had gone to stay at my boyfriends house overnight, and had forgotten to tell Chloe. When I got home she was mad at me. I yelled back, and I regret it. She said that she wished that when I tried to kill myself a year or so back, she wished it had worked and that i was dead. I was extremely hurt, and said, 'me too' then walked out. I didn't have my phone with me, either.

I was gone for several days, and that led Chloe to believe I killed myself. And that's why she killed herself. I can't help but feel like this is my fault. But, she left a dying wish, and I am in no way going to let this funeral end without fufilling it,"

I press play on the speaker as the music began to play her song. I walk back to my seat, and brush Clay off as he tried to hug me.

-Clay POV-

It had been 5 days since the funeral. Y/N lost their spark. They wouldn't let me show any affection towards them.

Most days they were locked in the guest room. Some days they would go out and drive somewhere. 

They only came out to eat and use the bathroom. 

One night as we were eating dinner, I finally asked them something,

"Hey Y/N, would you maybe want to go star gazing again?" I ask softly.

Their e/c eyes looked up at me with a look of sadness, before looking back towards their food.

"No," Their tone was harsh and cold.

"Y/N I know your still grieving, and that's okay but you need to do things, I'm worried for you, please can we do something, you can pick,"

"Clay I'm not JUST grieving. It's my fault she's dead, and now I feel like I shouldn't even be here,"

"Y/N your-"

Before I could finish they stood and walked away without finishing their food or even saying a word.

Think Clay. You're their boyfriend, how can you cheer them up? SEX! No. They don't want to star gaze. 

My thinking was interuppted by Polly rubbing against my legs.

Finally I come up with something.

I knock on their door.

"Hey Y/N, get dressed we're going somewhere,"

"I don't want to,"

"I know you don't, but you can't stay inside 24/7 and you ARE coming with me,"

I hear a grunt before the door opens and out steps Y/N.

I lead them to the car, and start it up.

"We're just going to the store, you need to get out of the house," I'm met with silence in response.

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