Chapter 11; The Boyz 🥶🔥💯

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The hug scared me, which made me close my eyes. I heard chuckles as a head was placed onto my shoulder.

I open my eyes and see Nick sitting at my desk, and George on the floor beside him. That means...

Before I look at Clay, who is busy nuzzling his face into my neck, Nick and George burst out laughing.

I can't bring myself to say anything.

I finally look at Clay, who looks back up at me with puppy eyes. 

I push him away with a laugh.

"Stop, I just got out of a hospital Jesus," I say with a laugh. He dramatically falls onto the floor, pretending to be hurt. I roll my eyes with a laugh as I walk over to Nick and George.

I hug both of them, greeting them. 

"You're such a liar Clay," I say to him. He had made himself comfy on my bed. Or, IN my bed rather.

He was snuggled under the covers, pulling them up to his chin. 

"How?!" He asks.

"You said you were recording a manhunt,"

He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again. 

"Rematch finale grand finale rematch rematch finale Final rematch!" I say, mocking the memes.

He looks under the covers. Then cried out in joy, pulling a sleepy Polly out from under them.

She let out a small meow. I walk over and take her from Clay.

"Don't bother my cat," I say, sitting down on my floor next to George. I stroke her fur. She lays down in my lap, purring.

"You never said you have a cat," Nick says.

"You never asked,"

I smirk, looking down at Polly in my lap. My phone starts to vibrate on the floor next to me.

Kerri would like to FaceTime!

Accept           Decline

Funny enough, Kerri was a HUGE fan of the dream team.

"Hide," I remark to Nick, Clay and George. Well more to Nick and George since Clay is passed out in my bedsheets.

I accept the call.

"Hey Kerri!"

"Hey I heard you got out of the hospital today, how you feeling?" She says.

"Feeling pretty good," I answer.

"Did you see the new Sapnap video!" She yells.

I shake my head, and see Nicks eyes widen.

"I haven't yet, no spoilers!" I say with a small laugh.

"Aww okay, I called to talk about it with you, I'll let you go so you can watch it!"

"Actually, I have friends over right now for a study session, so I'll watch it later," 

"Ooh! Who is it?" Jesus why is Kerri so nosy?

"Oliver and Jacob, they're helping me catch up," I lie.


I hang up the call. As soon as I do Nick says something.

"How dare you not watch my video yet!" He says with a laugh.

"Shut the fuck up. I just got out of the hospital give me a break," I roll my eyes for what seems like the 50th time in the last hour.

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