drew tanaka💞

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i feel like this isn't gonna be very in character for drew? i mean she's kind of your typical high school mean girl but idrk what im about to write so yeah

"Y/n, sweetie, why were you flirting with my boyfriend earlier?" asked Drew in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"I wasn't," you told her, because you hadn't. "Jayden asked me to help him pick some strawberries, so I did."

"You started talking to him first, honey," she said, glaring daggers at you.

"Even if I did, which, for the record, I didn't, it wouldn't be that deep." She continued glaring at you as she put her lip gloss on, and you shrugged. "Why don't you go ask him?"

"How do I know he won't lie?"

"Well, he's your boyfriend. If you don't trust him to tell you what actually happened, then maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship with him.

Drew gasped. "You're trying to make me break up with him!"

"No," you sighed. "No, I'm really not. Besides, why would I want your boyfriend? Yeah, he's nice, I guess, but he's not really my type."

The daughter of Aphrodite stared at you hard. "Tell the truth," she said, charmspeaking you.

Your irises lit up pink for a few seconds, and then faded back to normal. You scowled at her. "I told you, he's not my type! I don't want your boyfriend!" You stormed out of the Aphrodite cabin and into the woods, despite the fact that it was getting dark, and campers were advised to stay out of the woods, especially if they were alone. Oh, well.

Drew yelled after you, but you couldn't hear the words, and just assumed she was still mad at you. You weren't even thirty steps into the forest before you heard a twig snap. The hair on the back of your neck stood up, but you thought nothing of it. Another twenty steps into the forest before you heard a low growl. This time, you stopped where you were, and reached for your weapon, but it wasn't there. Still snarling, a Chimaera emerged from the trees, and you paled. You could hear more footsteps, and assumed there were more monsters coming. Panicking, you hid behind a tree, before it could see you, and breathed a small sigh of relief. Except... what was that scraping sound?

You looked up just in time to see the top half of the tree fall on top of you, almost crushing you, and pinning you to the ground. The Chimaera had a hungry glint in its eye, and you had no way of defending yourself.

"HELP!" you yelled. No sign of anyone. You closed your eyes, preparing for the final blow, but it never came. The tree was rolled off you, and your head lifted onto someone's lap with cool, gentle hands.

"Jayden, you deal with the Chimaera, I'll get y/n to safety!" called Drew. Wait... Drew?

You craned your neck up in the direction of the voice, but you had no energy left as you felt your eyes flutter shut.

When you woke up, you could feel something soft beneath you, and when things came into focus, you saw that you were in the infirmary.

"I told you not to go in there," scolded Drew, seeing you were awake. "Really, y/n? Alone, unarmed, in the dark?"

"Yeah, I guess I do sound like an idiot when you put it like that," you admitted, surprised she cared.

"Don't do it again."

wooo stan originality im actually quite proud of this one <3

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