alex fierro💞

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such a king 🤚😭

"I don't hate it, pottery is just boring," you complained.

"Oh, you'll regret that, l/n," said Alex grimly, shaking his head.


"Yes, really. Now, stop knocking on my door and go to bed."

"But my heater's broken," you frowned, and Alex sighed.

"Come on, then." He stepped backwards into his room and you followed, plonking yourself down onto his bed. He tried to shove you aside, but you didn't move.

"Say please," you teased, and he tried to move you again, to no avail, before giving up.


"Only 'cause you asked so nicely, Fierro," you grinned, and moved, Alex swatting your arm playfully.

You waited for him to get comfortable before putting your head on his chest sleepily. The way it rose and fell from his breathing was comforting to you, and he didn't try to push you off. Instead, Alex gently ran his fingers through your hair a couple of times before resting his hand on the small of your back.

When you woke up, Alex was still sleeping. You got up quietly, careful not to wake her, and left her a note.

hey fierro

thanks for letting me crash in your room. your chest is comfy :P

- y/n

Not half an hour later, you heard loud knocking on your door. You opened it to shush them, so whoever it was wouldn't wake up the rest of the floor - which, granted, was a difficult feat with Magnus and Halfborn, but this person could've probably achieved it - and found Alex Fierro banging on your door.

"Hey," she said, perfectly calm. "I'm going down to the pottery studios - wanna come?"

"Sure," you said, shrugging. "Why not?"

"Because you think pottery is boring," smirked Alex. "See you at breakfast." She shut the door in your face, and was halfway down the hall before you had the sense to open it again.

"Dammit, Fierro!" You yelled after her, but she got into the lift, still grinning devilishly. The lift's doors closed, and Magnus emerged from his room, bleary-eyed and still half-asleep.

"Eh? What's going on? Where's the falafel?"

You sighed, and Mallory yelled at him to get back into his room and could he shut up, there were still two hours before breakfast.

TJ sniggered from behind his door, and Magnus, defeatedly, went back to his room. You weighed up your options, and decided to go back to your room before Mallory yelled at you too.

"And you, y/n, back to your room. And keep it down, for Odin's sake!"

Too late.

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