Ch. 21 Would you like to accompany me to St. Valentine's Day festival?

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" Lucille. Adrien. So good to see you two," Madame Giry fondly smiled at the two young children.  

Lucille closed the door behind her while Adrien runs towards Erik, who caught the toddler with ease. 

" Ric! Ric!" Adrien cheers when he sees Erik in front of him. 

" Hello, Little One. I hope you have been a good boy to your sister and parents," Erik firmly tells Adrien. 

" Ya!" Adrien politely nods his head as he turns his gaze to Lucille, who is walking towards them. 

" Erik! Erik! I got you something," Lucille excitedly tells Erik while holding the box of Chocolate Cream Puffs in front of her. 

" Hm?" Erik stared at the box in Lucille's hands with a confused gaze. 

" I hope you like it! Mama Natalie said that St. Valentine's Day is the day where you give the person you love some delicious chocolates treats to let them know that you will always love them," Lucille happily explains to Erik. 

Erik securely held Adrien in his arms as he stares at Lucille with a mixture of emotions. 

Madame Giry stares at Erik with amusement. 

' If it were not for Adrien being in Erik's arms, I know the boy would have fainted,' Madame Giry amusingly tells herself. 

" Y-You did not have to give me anything. But I appreciate it!" Erik blushes, feeling flustered that Lucille gave him something on St. Valentine's Day. 

" I hope that you like these Chocolate Cream Puffs because Mama Natalie helped me make these," Lucille kindly smiled at Erik. 

Erik's gaze softened as he gently puts Adrien down, and he walks up to Lucille as he politely accepts her gift. 

" Thank you for the gift," Erik politely thanks Lucille as he opens the container, and he softly smiled when he sees the Chocolate Cream Puffs. 

" These Chocolate Cream Puffs look delicious," Erik tells Lucille. 

Lucille's blue eyes sparkled in excitement when she sees Erik grab a Chocolate Cream Puff and puts it in his mouth. 

Erik eats the Chocolate Cream Puff, and he smiles, finding the treat delicious. 

" What do you think?" Lucille excitedly asked Erik since it was her first time baking something for someone. 

" It's delicious, Lucille. I love it," Erik honestly tells Lucille. 

" Yay!" Lucille cheers, feeling happy that Erik likes his gift. 

Erik turns his gaze to Madame Giry, who is making faces to Adrien, who is laughing. 

" Lucille. Would it be alright with you that I give some Chocolate Cream Puffs to Madame Giry and Adrien?" Erik politely asked Lucille. 

" Of course!" Lucille happily clapped her hands. 

" Madame Giry. Adrien. Try these Chocolate Cream Puffs that Lucille made. They are delicious," Erik proudly tells Madame Giry and Adrien while holding the box of Chocolate Cream Puffs to them. 

" Thank you," Madame Giry politely nods her head as she gets two Chocolate Cream Puffs, and she gives one to Adrien as they both take a bite, and they smiled. 

" Ummy! Ummy!" Adrien jumps up and down in happiness. 

" I agree with Adrien. They are delicious," Madame Giry fondly smiled at Lucille. 

" Yay! Should I become a baker when I grow up?" Lucille curiously asked. 

Erik turns his gaze to Lucille as he gently pats her head. 

" If that is your dream, then I do not mind supporting it," Erik genuinely tells Lucille. 

Lucille beamed, feeling happy. 

Lucille opened her mouth to say something, but she stops when she hears shouting and cheering coming from outside. 

" What's going on?" Lucille asked as she turns around, and she runs up to the window, seeing many people dancing in the middle of the town. 

" Wahh! These people are dancing," Lucille excitedly tells everyone as she begins to look at her surroundings. " So many booths, balloons, and confetti. There are also people eating yummy food," The blonde-haired female looks away as she turns her attention to the people in the room. 

" That is the St. Valentine's Day festival," Madame Giry explains to Lucille. 

" A St. Valentine's Day festival? It sounds like fun! I want to go check it out," Lucille excitedly tells Madame Giry. 

Erik warily stared at the festival, feeling afraid that the townsfolk would not want him there due to his disfigurement. 

" Erik! Is it okay if we can go?" Lucille calls out to Erik, causing him to look at her. 

" Huh?" Erik blinked. 

" Would you like to go to St. Valentine's Day festival with me?" Lucille kindly asked Erik while smiling at him. 

' Lucille did give me those Chocolate Cream Puffs. It is the least I can do for her since she has been so kind to me,' Erik tells himself as his gaze softened. 

" In case you are scared, I promise you that I will protect you in case a meanie makes fun of you," Lucille confidently tells Erik. 

Madame Giry's gaze softened, feeling touched that Lucille wants to keep Erik safe in public. 

" I can watch over Adrien for you, Lucille," Madame Giry reassured Lucille. 

" Thank you, Madame Giry," Lucille politely thanked Madame Giry as she turns her gaze to Erik. 

" What do you say, Erik?" Lucille asked Erik while looking at him with a hopeful gaze. 

' Those sparkling sapphire eyes of hers. I cannot say no to them even if it might kill me,' Erik tells himself, feeling like he will melt away by her stare. 

" Lady Lucille," Erik held his arm out to Lucille. 

" Would you like to accompany me to St. Valentine's Day festival?" Erik politely asked Lucille. 

" I would love that!" Lucille brightly smiled as she hugged Erik's arm, and the two leave Madame Giry's home. 

" Be careful, you two!" Madame Giry shouts as she waves goodbye while Adrien adorably pouted since he wanted to go to the festival as well. 

" Do not fret, little one. Once you are older, you can take a lovely person with you to the festival," Madame Giry reassured Adrien as the two went to the kitchen to make something to eat. 

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