Ch. 5 Please do not be upset with Erik. He saved my life

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" Erik! Your name sounds so regal like a Prince," Lucille happily tells Erik as the blonde-haired female clapped her hands in excitement. 

Erik comfortably kneels in front of Lucille so their eyes can stare into each other. The black-haired male amusedly chuckles at the blonde-haired female's excitement of his name. 

" Well. Madame Giry gave me that name since it was the name of her father's," Erik explains to Lucille. 

" You know Madame Giry," Lucille gasped in surprise. 

" I do. It seems as though you have met Madame Giry," Erik fondly smiled at Lucille. 

" I did meet Madame Giry! She was so kind to my family and me," Lucille happily tells Erik. 

" I see. I am glad Madame Giry was kind of you. And did you say your family?" Erik curiously asked Lucille. 

" Yeah!" Lucille politely nods her head. 

" I came to the Opera House with my Papa, Mama Natalie, and my baby brother Adrien," Lucille tells Erik.

" Hm," Erik hummed when he remembered Madame Giry telling him that the owner has invited someone and their family to the Opera House. 

" Where exactly are we?" Lucille curiously asked Erik as she looks at her surroundings. 

" This place is my home," Erik softly tells Lucille. " No one knows about this place except for you and Madame Giry," The black-haired male gently placed his hands on the blonde-haired female's shoulders, which caused the young female to stare at him. 

" Lucille. You cannot tell anyone about this place, okay. There are people outside of these walls that are not kind and loving as you," Erik calmly explains to Lucille so that he wouldn't scare her. 

Lucille politely nods her head. 

" I am good at keeping secrets," Lucille gently placed her finger on her lips to let Erik know that she knows how to keep a secret. 

" Yes. Only you and Madame Giry are welcome to come to this place," Erik softly smiled at Lucille. 

" Yay!" Lucille clapped her hands in excitement, which made Erik chuckle in amusement. 

" Also-," Erik gets cut off by Lucille, who gasped in excitement when she sees Erik's grand piano. 

" You have a piano!" Lucille brightly smiled as she runs off to the piano, with Erik standing up to follow the blonde-haired female so that she would not get hurt. 

" Do you know how to play the piano?" Erik curiously asked Lucille. 

" A little. Before Mama got sick, she taught me how to play this song in the piano," Lucille explains to Erik as she turns her gaze to the black-haired male. " Can I play with your piano?" The blonde-haired female politely asked the fifteen-year-old. 

" You may," Erik politely nods his head as he and Lucille sit down in front of the piano. 

Lucille made herself comfortable as she gently placed her fingers on the piano as she begins to play a sweet, loving melody. 

Erik stared at Lucille in amazement when he hears a sweet, loving melody coming from his piano. 

' I never knew my piano could play such a beautiful melody,' Erik internally tells himself, sounding surprised.

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