Ch. 7 I shall treasure this gift for the rest of my life

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Two hours later, Lucille wakes up from her beauty sleep, and she gets out of her bed as she runs off to the bathroom to take a shower. Twenty minutes later, the blonde-haired female steps out of the bathroom, wearing a white robe. The young female brightly smiled when she sees Natalie and Adrien in the room. 

"Adrien! Mama Natalie! I feel so much better after taking that nap," Lucille happily tells Natalie and Adrien. 

Natalie turns her gaze to Lucille as she fondly smiled at the blonde-haired female. 

"That's good. You should get dress since Madame Giry will be here soon to take us to the dining room where we will be having lunch with Papa and Monsieur Mercier," Natalie firmly tells Lucille. 

Lucille politely nods her head as she runs off to her luggage. The blonde-haired female stopped running as she opens it to see many different outfits and shoes for the young female to wear. 

'I need to wear something pretty for Erik's surprise birthday party,' Lucille excitedly tells herself. 

'Ah! I found the perfect clothes to wear,' Lucille brightly smiled as she takes the clothes that she is going to wear for the rest of the day, and she runs off to change into them. 

Ten minutes later, Madame Giry meets up with Lucille and her family after looking over the ballet rehearsal with her co-worker. The older female politely knocks on the door, and she warmly smiled when she sees Lucille opening the door and is wearing an adorable outfit. 

"Hello, Lucille

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"Hello, Lucille. Did you sleep well?" Madame Giry politely asked Lucille. 

"Hello, Madame Giry! I did sleep well," Lucille happily tells Madame Giry. 

"That's good," Madame Giry warmly smiled at Lucille as she turns to Natalie and Adrien. "Your husband is waiting for you and the children at the dining room with Monsieur Mercier," The older female politely tells Natalie. 

Natalie politely nods her head as she and the children leave the guest room, and they follow Madame Giry to the dining room. 

Lucille walks beside Madame Giry as she takes the older female's hand in hers, which made Natalie warmly smiled because she is glad that her stepdaughter is becoming friendlier to the employees of the Opera House. 

At the dining room, Lucille sits between Madame Giry and a twelve-year-old blonde-haired and blue-eyed female named Meg Giry, who is the only daughter of Madame Giry. 

"Meg. I would like for you to meet Lucille Bernard. She is the daughter of Monsieur Bernard," Madame Giry politely introduced Lucille to Meg. 

"Hello!" Lucille brightly smiled at Meg. 

"Hello," Meg kindly smiled at Lucille. 

"Lucille. This young lady is my only daughter, Meg Giry. She is Palais Garnier best Ballet Dancer," Madame Giry proudly introduced her daughter to Lucille. 

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