Ch. 19 Chocolate Cream Puff

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It has been a month since Lucille and Erik celebrated New Year's Eve together for the first time. It is now February 14th, 1863, and Lucille is waking up from her slumber. The blonde-haired female gets out of her bed as she steps out of her bedroom. The young female softly smiled when she smells something delicious coming from the kitchen. The ten-year-old female enters the living room, and she giggles when she sees her now three-year-old brother, Adrien Bernard, wobbly walking towards her. 

" Adrien!" Lucille happily calls out to Adrien. 

" Lu! Lu!" Adrien giggles as he falls onto Lucille, but the blonde-haired female catches him. 

" Did you sleep well?" Lucille softly asked Adrien. 

Adrien continues to giggle as he brightly smiled at Lucille, showing some of his growing baby teeth to the blonde-haired female. 

" That's good. Where's Mama Natalie?" Lucille curiously asked Adrien. 

Adrien turns his gaze to Natalie, who is in the kitchen. 

" Ma!" Adrien points to Natalie. 

Lucille turns her gaze to Natalie, and she adorably tilts her head when she sees her stepmother making something in the kitchen. 

" Ric! Ric!" Adrien tugs on Lucille's nightgown. 

Lucille turns her gaze to Adrien. 

" We will see Erik soon," Lucille softly tells Adrien. 

" Yay!" Adrien cheers as he runs off to play with some of his toys since he is excited to play with Lucille's friend, Erik, since the younger male met the fifteen-year-old on his third birthday on January 19, 1863. 

Lucille amusedly giggles as she happily skips into the kitchen. The blonde-haired female stopped jumping as she stands next to Natalie. 

" Morning, Mama Natalie," Lucille happily greets Natalie. 

" Good morning, Dear," Natalie warmly smiled at Lucille. 

" What are you making?" Lucille curiously asked Natalie. 

" I am making some yummy Chocolate Eclair for Papa," Natalie tells Lucille. 

" Why? Is it Papa's birthday?" Lucille adorably tilts her head, sounding curious. 

Natalie giggles. 

" We already celebrated Papa's birthday on December 29th, remember, Sweetheart," Natalie pokes Lucille's forehead. " Well, you celebrated Papa's birthday on January 1st since we were at my sister's place during his birthday," The black-haired female tells herself.

" If it's not Papa's birthday, what are these yummy treats for?" Lucille curiously asked Natalie. 

" Well. Today is Valentine's Day. You give the person you love some delicious chocolate treats to let them know that you will always love them," Natalie explains to Lucille. 

Lucille hummed as she thinks about Erik. 

' Erik is my best friend! I will always love him,' Lucille happily tells herself. ' I shall make these yummy treats for him,' The blonde-haired female jumps up and down in excitement. 

" Can I make some for Madame Giry?" Lucille politely asked Natalie as she also thinks about Madame Giry. " She has been so nice to me, and I love her a lot," The blonde-haired female happily tells the black-haired female. 

" That is nice of you. I know Madame Giry would appreciate it. I feel sorry for her. She told me that her daughter left the Opera House due to some issues while her nephew left to see how his family is doing. So, she must be lonely," Natalie softly tells Lucille. 

Lucille nods her head. 

" What kind of pastries would you like to make for Madame Giry?" Natalie curiously asked Lucille. 

" Chocolate Cream Puff!" Lucille excitedly tells Natalie. 

" Chocolate Cream Puff it is," Natalie warmly smiled at Lucille. " Would you like to help me make it?" The black-haired female curiously asked the blonde-haired female. 

" Yes!" Lucille excitedly nods her head. 

An hour and fifty minutes later, Lucille and Natalie finished making the Chocolate Cream Puff. Lucille's eyes sparkled in happiness when she sees the delicious Chocolate Cream Puff.

 Lucille's eyes sparkled in happiness when she sees the delicious Chocolate Cream Puff

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"These Chocolate Cream Puffs look so cute and yummy, Mama Natalie," Lucille giggles. 

" Let's put them in a box so that you can take them to Madame Giry," Natalie tells Lucille. 

" Okay!" Lucille politely nods her head as she helps Natalie carefully put the Chocolate Cream Puffs in a medium-size box, which got sealed with a red bow on top. 

" It's ready for delivery," Lucille giggles. 

" Before you go for this delivery, you are going to eat breakfast first and then shower as well as get dressed since you got covered in flour," Natalie amusedly tells Lucille. 

Lucille looks down, and she blushes in embarrassment when she sees that her nightgown got covered in flour, sugar, and chocolate.  

" Can I shower and get dressed first and then eat breakfast?" Lucille politely asked Natalie. 

" Of course," Natalie warmly smiled as she watched Lucille run off to the bathroom. 

" Ma! Ma!" Adrien calls out to Natalie as he runs up to the black-haired female. 

" Hungry?" Natalie curiously asked Adrien. 

" Yah!" Adrien adorably yet firmly nods his head. 

" Okay," Natalie laughs as she picks Adrien up, and she puts him on a high chair so that she can make breakfast for her and the children in peace. 

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