Ch. 15 The New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball

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It has been six days since Lucille's near-death experience, and it is now New Year's Eve. Lucille's family, Raphael, Natalie, and Adrien Bernard, safely arrived back in the afternoon at Palais Garnier from their relatives' place to participate in the Opera House's annual New Year's Eve Masquerade ball. 

Madame Giry has also returned five days earlier, and she informs Erik that her older sister, Miranda, would give Meg the punishment that the young female would deserve. And Lucille reassures Madame Giry that she is not going to tattletale on the older female since she does not want her parents to take her away from Erik. 

" Papa! Mama Natalie! Adrien!" Lucille happily calls out to her parents as they got out of the carriage. 

" Lucille," Natalie warmly smiled when she sees Lucille running up to her while Madame Giry stood in front of Palais Garnier. 

" I miss you," Lucille happily tells Natalie and Adrien as she hugs them close. 

" We miss you too," Natalie affectionately kissed Lucille's forehead while Adrien clapped his hands, and he giggles at the attention he is getting from his older sister. 

" And what about Papa?" Raphael calls out to Lucille as he held the blonde-haired female's Christmas presents that were given to him from Natalie's relatives to give to the younger female. 

" I miss you too, Papa!" Lucille brightly smiles as she runs up to Raphael, and she tiptoes as she affectionately kissed the blonde-haired male's cheek. 

Raphael fondly chuckles, feeling happy to see his eldest child and only daughter. 

" What's that?" Lucille curiously asked when she sees the presents in Raphael's arms. 

" These gifts are for you from your Aunt Anna, Uncle Henry, and Cousin Raoul," Natalie informs Lucille. 

Lucille's eyes sparkle in excitement to receive more gifts for Christmas. 

" Can I open them?" Lucille curiously yet excitedly asked her parents. 

" Of course you can when we get to our room," Raphael warmly smiled at Lucille. 

" Yay!" Lucille cheers as she walks beside Raphael, and they get inside the Opera House with Natalie, Adrien, and Madame Giry following behind them. 

" I hope Lucille has not caused trouble while we were away," Natalie worriedly stared at Madame Giry while securely holding Adrien, who is playing with his new stuffed animal that his Aunt Anna gave to him as a Christmas gift. 

" Lucille has been an angel," Madame Giry warmly smiled at Natalie. " While you were away, my nephew came to visit me, and the two got along so well. My nephew taught Lucille how to play the piano," The older female explains to the black-haired female. 

" Aw! That is kind of your nephew to teach Lucille how to play the piano. Raphael has told me that Lucille's mother taught her some songs to play in the piano," Natalie explains to Madame Giry. " Is your nephew still in the Opera House? I would like to meet him," The black-haired female politely asked the older female. 

" My nephew went somewhere in the city to do some errands for me. But, he will be at the Masquerade Ball," Madame Giry calmly tells Natalie. 

Natalie politely nods her head. 

At the guest rooms, Lucille happily opened her Christmas presents. The blonde-haired female kindly smiled when she sees a beautiful dress that her Aunt Anna gave to her. 

" That dress is so beautiful," Madame Giry compliments the dress that Lucille is holding in front of her.

" You can wear that dress for the Masquerade Ball," Natalie warmly smiled at Lucille. 

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