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"You're in love"

- E V E R L I E G H -

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- E V E R L I E G H -

"I'm worn out." I sigh, flopping onto the bed, but grunting from the pain.

"Be careful," I hear Draco scowl.

"Relax," I roll my eyes. "I'm fine, it's just a twisted ankle."

On our way back to Hogwarts, I tripped on a step, and tumbled down a few steps; nothing major. Draco however, made a big deal out of it, "Why can't we take you to Madam Pomfrey again?"

"Because," I begin, taking off Draco's jacket and tossing it onto the bed. "what will she think when she sees me in party clothes? And how did I twist my ankle? Why am I even up this late?"

"I know you have a point, but I'm just mad." Draco scowls, helping me to the closet to grab a change of clothes.

"You're just mad we can't have sex tonight." I roll my eyes for what feels like the millionth time tonight.

"Honestly!" he sighs, letting go of me to throw his hands in the air. "I totally would; it's just a twisted ankle but I want to be able to be hard; tie you up, pin you against the bed-" He stops talking and instead starts pacing around the closet while I sit on the cushion chair. "I'm tired of jerking off. I just want you, baby."

"Okay first off, ew-"

"It was a joke," he interrupts.

"-and secondly I know you're frustrated, but I promise when it happens it'll be the best sex of you're life." I wink, and begin to stand up again.

"It better be; so far I watched a scary movie, danced with you, and sang with you." He scoffs, "Who have I become?"

"You," I limp over to him. "have become someone I can actually deal with." he raises an eyebrow. "Okay, partially deal with; you're still an arse."

* * *

- D R A C O -

I wake up in bed, alone.

It's not normal of Everliegh to leave me; the past month we'd wake up the other person before leaving or scribble a note and leave it on the nightstand. I groan but sit up in bed. I look to my right to see the date and time; Sunday, October 13th, 9:26 am.

The whole room is looks normal, until I squint. I squint because of the reflection of the sun hitting some sort of glass. I stand up, and follow the lighting and I'm met by my desk. I sit at the edge of my chair, confused. I start ruffling through my pages. My desk is really messy; we have a test coming up in Muggle Studies. I despise muggles - I don't understand why we should have to learn about them.

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