Chapter 25

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I could hear noises from outside the huge wooden door. Several of them to be exact.

It consist of my mom and dad, his trusted loyal advisor and Riley.

I'm saddened by the fact that I have to leave my mom and dad again.

I have left them long enough during my pack visit and now I must leave them again for three years time.

Making sure I'm presentable, I proceed to open the door.

All noises ceased and their gazes are placed upon me. I can see the glimmer in my mom's, dad's and Riley's eyes.

I have finally returned and judging from my expression, they know that I have a plan in mind to face Nereus.

But I bet they won't like it once I told them what Eona and I are planning.

Everyone for the exception of my parent and Riley leave the room. I can feel the atmosphere growing even tenser while they're waiting for me to speak.

"Edith! I'm glad to see you back."

My mom ran to me and engulf me into the biggest hug that she could muster. Without wasting any second longer, I hug her back.

"Man, I have never been so glad seeing you back here." Riley approach me and hug me.

Ending our greetings, my dad begin our discussion about the threat that we're currently facing.

"Did you manage to find Eona?"

"I did."

"I believe that you have some kind of plan set up by the both of you, am I right?"

"I did but before that, could we move somewhere more... private?"

My dad agreed to my request and we move ourselves to the meeting room. Two guards are guarding the entrance and the walls are soundproofed.

We sat down and continue the meeting.

"Before I start, please let me explain until the end and all of you could ask question once I'm finished."

They give me their serious looks and I start to explain everything from the beginning.

There are some things that I purposely left out for example, severing my mate bond and the fact I can cast spells.

I'm enrolling myself to the Glaxart Academy for the purpose of utilising their library and try to find something about Nereus.

He's a great warlock so he might end up in a book or two.

Once I ended the explanation, they did not seem pleased at all.

"Oh shoot, this looks bad Sierra."

"Tell me about it, I can feel their wolves are getting restless."

I'm shocked that they agree to my proposal immediately despite their reluctant facade.

They know that we have no idea on how to obtain information about Nereus since we have never heard a thing about him.

"Edith, I'm not sure if you're aware of this information but Glaxart Academy only open its doors for new applicants once every three years." My dad informed me.

"I'm aware of it and lucky for us, this year is their opening year." Giving them my infamous billion dollar smile while hoping to lighten the mood.

However, it backfired and I can see their frown getting deeper and the room's atmosphere getting even gloomier.

I took a long deep sight, wiping the smile on my face to match the mood.

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