Chapter 14

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Flynn has been getting more and more... friendly as the weeks go on, and I've slept better this past month than I have in years. I never realized how exhausting constantly looking over my shoulder was until I no longer had to do it.

Feeling rather refreshed this lovely Friday morning, I somehow managed to wake up fifteen minutes before my alarm, so I make my way to the bathroom to have a nice hot shower and take my sweet time getting ready for the day. I style my hair and apply some eyeliner before pulling on my tightest pair of jeans and a black v-neck.

I practically skip down the stairs and to the kitchen once I'm done getting ready and make myself a cup of coffee. I hum in satisfaction as the creamy hot beverage assaults my taste buds before finally opening my eyes to see my dad's staring at me with perplexed and amused expressions.

"Good morning," I chirp as I make my way to a stool around the breakfast bar.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning," Dad comments with a small smile and I nod as I take another sip of my drink.

"It's Friday," I say with a shrug and Pop chuckles as he leans against the counter.

"Yes, yes it is. Any big plans for the weekend?" he asks and I shake my head as I check the time on my phone.

"No, I'll probably just hang out here. Maybe I'll see if Connor is free or something, but I don't have anything planned as of right now."

"He's a sweet kid," Dad comments and I nod in agreement as I finish off my coffee.

"Yeah, he's a great friend. I've gotta go though, don't want to be late for class. See you guys tonight, I love you." They return the sentiment and I head out to my truck before making my way to school.

Walking through the halls with nobody whispering, giggling, or pointing is a strange feeling, but I'm definitely not complaining. After Flynn stopped harassing me, everyone else stepped back as well and barely even pay me any attention now, aside from the occasional comment here and there, but it doesn't really bother me anymore, not like it used to. When I get to my locker, I raise an eyebrow when I notice someone that I've never actually met leaning against the metal door with his hands in his pockets.

"Hello," I say cautiously as I slow my steps. He quickly stands up straight and smiles nervously as he rocks back on his heels.

"Hi. We've never actually properly met, but I'm Vincent." He reaches his hand out for me and I eye it for a moment before hesitantly placing my hand in his to shake.


"Yeah, I uh... I know," he chuckles, his tan skin turning a light rosy colour. I give him a small smile as I open my locker and discard all the unnecessary books from my bag, replacing them with what I'll need for the morning.

"Did you need something?" I ask when I notice he still hasn't left and is just staring at the ground with his bottom lip between his teeth. He lifts his head and stares at me with big golden eyes. Damn his eyes are pretty...

"Homecoming is tonight," he says quickly and I raise an eyebrow, my lips twitching with the desire to smile as I wait for him to continue. "Dance... the Homecoming dance. Do you dance?" I chuckle and lean against my locker with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Not well." He nods and chews on his lip for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"Do you want to dance not well together? With me? At the Homecoming dance?"

"Are you... asking me to go to the dance with you?" I ask, completely stupefied.

"Yes. Only if you want to! Obviously you don't have to agree, I just... oh god, you probably already have a date, don't you? I should've known, of course you'd have a date, I mean you're... you. Fuck, why didn't I ask you last week like I had initially planned? Procrastination bites me in the ass once again. But it's not my fault, I was super nervous and scared you'd reject me, which clearly wasn't farfetched since you're already going –"

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