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Unseen is a spin-off of my book Damaged ~ you do not need to read Damaged to read Unseen and vice versa - they will work alone as individual stories. 

If you wish to read them together, then please read Damaged first as this book occurs 2 years after the epilogue of Damaged.

Flynn Martin and I used to be best friends - we told each other everything and were practically inseparable - until I told him my deepest secret and he turned his back on a decade of friendship.

We haven't spoken a civil word to each other in two years now, even though we see each other just as much as we used to since he's dating my sister. With my sister comes status and popularity that he never had with me, and he's climbed the social ladder to chill with the dicks at the top who have made it their mission to make my life a living hell.

Gone is the boy who used to be my confidant. In his place is a monster who I despise. At least that's what I keep trying to tell myself.

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