Chapter 21

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"Where are we going?" I whisper after about five minutes in the car, though it feels like it's been hours.

"My place. My parents are out of town this weekend, so we won't have to sneak in, and I really don't want to show up at your place and deal with your dad's wrath for bringing you home drunk." I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder, knowing he's absolutely right.

"I should call and let them know I won't be home tonight." I pull out my phone and unlock it with my thumb print, then struggle to get to my contacts since everything seems a little blurry. I squint my eyes at the blindingly bright screen and focus on the little green icon, but before I have a chance to click it, Flynn is taking the phone out of my hands. "Hey! Mine!"

"No way in hell am I letting you phone your dad in the state you're in right now. I'm going to text him for you."

"Oh, that's probably a better idea. Or call my pop. He's chill." He snorts and shakes his head as he types out a quick message, then locks the device and slips it into his pocket while I pout. "That's mine," I mumble, reaching over him to grab it.

"Stay out of my pockets until we're in private, please." My face flushes and I jerk away from him, staring at him with wide eyes.

"I... that... no, I didn't..."

"You're adorable," he whispers as he brushes his lips against the spot on my neck below my ear.

I hum happily and tilt my head, my eyes slipping shut as he continues placing soft kisses to my skin. His tongue darts out briefly and I inhale sharply, resting one hand on his thigh in an attempt to ground myself. Why does that feel so good?

"Have a good night, guys," the driver says and I open my eyes to see that we are, in fact, outside of Flynn's house.

"Thanks, you too!" He chuckles and waves as we slide out of the backseat. I cling to Flynn's arm as he guides me up to steps to his front door and I place a few kisses of my own to his neck while he fumbles with his keys. "You don't get to have all the fun," I whisper in his ear before tugging on his earlobe with my teeth.

"Fuck, mouse," he breathes out as he shoves the key into the lock.

"Yes, fuck mouse. Please."

He groans and pushes the door open before dragging me inside. He slams the door shut and pushes me against it while he turns the lock, then connects our lips in a kiss that has tingles racing throughout my entire body. Tangling my fingers in his hair, I part my lips and he immediately takes the invitation and thrusts his tongue into my mouth. Pushing my hips against his, I moan at the evidence that he's enjoying the kiss just as much as I am, and he pulls away a fraction to catch his breath, resting his forehead against mine.

"Babe, let's slow down," he whispers, his breath tickling my lips.

"Or we could speed up," I counter, playing with the hem of his shirt.

Gently removing my grasp on his shirt, he laces our fingers together and leads me to his bedroom. The second we're past the threshold, I pull him close and kiss him again. I swear, I'll never get sick of the feeling of his lips – they're like my own little piece of heaven.

"Mouse," he mumbles, pulling away again, and I can't help but pout at the loss of contact.

"Don't you want me?" I whisper. A stinging behind my eyes has me blinking rapidly, my good mood deteriorating with every second. Well, then. Evidently, I'm an emotional drunk. Who knew?

His eyes widen as he quickly shakes his head and rests his hands on either side of my face. "Of course I do, Dalton. Did you not feel just how much I want you when we were at the front door?"

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