Chapter 35

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"What's up, kiddo?" I look up from my spot on a lounge chair to see Dad lowering himself into one beside me. "You've been out here for the past twenty minutes staring at nothing. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing," I mumble quietly, turning my focus back to the other side of the yard.

"Where's Flynn?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." He stays quiet for several minutes, but I can still feel his gaze burning holes in the side of my head.

"Is everything okay between you two?" he asks cautiously, and I sigh as I let my eyes slip closed.

"Honestly, Dad, I have no idea."

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like he's hiding something from me."

"What makes you think that?"

"He's been disappearing for hours at a time, and when I ask him about it, he just tells me it was nothing important and changes the subject. I really don't know what to think anymore, because on top of this, he's still being attentive and loving when he's around."

"Have you tried talking to him about it?"

"I have a few times, but every time I come close to actually confronting him about it, I chicken out and convince myself that I'm just being paranoid and change the subject."

"Did you ever think that maybe you are just being paranoid? I know your relationship the last few years has been tough, and I can see how all of that would be enough to harvest doubt, but maybe it's something as simple as... I don't know, having study sessions with a tutor."

"But if it was as innocent as that, why wouldn't he just tell me that?"

"Flynn is a proud kid. Maybe he's embarrassed and doesn't want to admit that he needed help."

"But I'm his boyfriend! He should be able to talk to me about these things!"

"Just like how you should be able to talk to him about your fears and doubts?" I open my eyes again to glare at him, but he simply smiles and stands up from the chair before patting my shoulder. "Talk to him, Dalton. You're going to drive yourself crazy if you keep brooding over it, and I'm sure he can tell that something is up with you. Give him the benefit of the doubt."

With that, he walks back into the house, once again leaving me alone with my thoughts. Maybe he's right? I mean, he said almost exactly what Connor did the other day, so maybe I do just need to suck it up and finally talk to him about it. I'm just so scared of ruining everything between us.

"Mouse?" I jump and spin around to see Flynn watching me with an amused smile. "You alright?"

"You scared the shit out of me!" I exclaim with a pout which makes him chuckle as he walks over to me and sits in the seat Dad had vacated.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. Penny for your thoughts?" I take a moment to observe him before answering. His relaxed posture, a small smile on his full lips, his eyes sparkling with happiness as he looks at me. The more I look at him, the more I'm convinced that Dad is right, and I am just being paranoid.

"Where did you disappear to after school?" I try to keep my voice light, like I really don't care what his answer is, but I notice the way he tenses slightly at my question.

"Just had some things to do. We should go out this weekend, maybe go see a movie or something."

Again, with the changing of the subject...

"What kind of things?" I ask, deciding to ignore the date suggestion.

"Nothing important. Maybe we could get dinner first, there's this new café that opened that I've been wanting to try."

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