Chapter 6

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Maddie stayed in her room all weekend and my dad's were getting increasingly worried, but I wasn't. We may not be close, but I do know my sister, and I know that nothing good ever comes from her being quiet.

Monday's are notorious for sucking. I don't care who you are or what day your Monday happens to fall on, the first day back after a couple days off always sucks. I walk through the halls amongst the other zombies, exhausted from having to wake up so early after having two days of sleeping in, with my head down, hoping to not draw any unwanted attention after the fiasco at the football game.

My locker is unmarred, much to my relief, and I deposit my books in the steel enclosure before hearing a commotion down the hall. Glancing that way, I see a large group of people gathered around the glass display case that holds all the football trophies and team photos. My feet take a few steps in that direction against my better judgment since curiosity killed the cat and all, but I couldn't seem to be able to stop myself. Satisfaction brought it back, right?

Several people turn their heads and stare at me when they notice me approaching and start murmuring to each other, which does not bode well for me. What the fuck has he done now? Whatever his retaliation is for me attending the game must be elaborate for people to be as interested in it as they are. I take a few deep breaths and give myself a mini pep talk as I mentally prepare myself for what is waiting for me at that glass case.

"You," a voice growls from behind me as I'm shoved into the bank of lockers. I let out a hiss of pain as a lock digs into my spine and I'm brought face to face with Flynn. "You did this, didn't you?" My eyebrows draw together in confusion as I glance around the hall, hoping for some hint as to what the fuck he's talking about.

"Did what?" I finally ask when I see no answers in sight. I'm feeling surprisingly calm given the fact that he has me pinned and has a look of rage more intense than I've ever seen before. Maybe I've finally gone insane?

"I know it was you, you fucking waste of space, so just admit it!" He presses his forearm against my throat and my eyes widen as fear finally starts to set in.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, so let go of me," I say as calmly as I possibly can, my voice strained from the pressure he's putting on my vocal chords.

"Give it up, Flynn, it wasn't him." My eyes dart to the side where Maddie is making her way over to us decked out in her cheer outfit, her posse following her closely with evil little smirks on their faces. His eyes widen as realization starts to set in and he slowly removes his grip on me as he turns to face her fully. Well at least he's less confused, because I'm still so fucking lost.

"You?" he whispers, his voice cracking slightly, and she gives him a triumphant grin.

"You know, I've always wondered why you hated Dalton so much. You used to be best friends, and you've always been perfectly fine around my parents, so despite the slurs you throw at him, it didn't seem right to jump to the conclusion that you're a true homophobe. They say that the primary reasons behind homophobia is lack of understanding, or trying to hide personal truths, and you'd never guess what I found this weekend while I was holed up in my room digging." My eyes widen as I realize what she's doing and I immediately start to shake my head as I rush over to her.

"Maddie, don't," I whisper, pleading with my eyes for her to shut the fuck up and leave it be. She crosses her arms as her eyes narrow in a glare as she stares up at me.

"Why the fuck do you care? He's made your life miserable for two years. Are you saying you don't want revenge?" Her voice is loud – way, way too loud – and I know everyone in the hallway can hear her. I sigh and run my hands through my hair as I meet her gaze.

"Please, Maddie. This isn't right. I don't know what you found, or what you think you found, but don't do this to him. I don't care what he's done – nobody deserves to be outed like this," I whisper as quietly as I possibly can, hoping that nobody around me can hear what I'm saying.

"Too late. Everyone knows the truth, and if they don't yet, all they have to do is go check out the trophy case," she announces with a smug smile and my eyes dart over to where the crowd had formed.

I push my way through the bodies and come to a skidding stop as I see the papers plastered all over the glass. Internet search history, posts on forums linking back to his email address, a profile from Grindr... it's all there, and it's all blatantly obvious who it belongs too.

My heart squeezes painfully in my chest, but not because I'm mortified that he would do the things he's done to me when he, too, likes men. No, it's because he was clearly scared and trying to hide who he was, and nobody deserves to be outed before they're ready, no matter how awful of a person they are.

I drop my bag and quickly pull down all the papers, crumpling them up in a ball, but I know it won't change anything. Like she said, it's too late. The damage is already done.

"You fucking cunt!" I hear him yell and my head whips in that direction before I start making my way back. I know how nasty he can get, and no matter where my sister and I stand on a personal level, she's still my sister and I'll be damned if I let him hurt her. "None of it is true, you psychotic pathological liar! You clearly made it all up to frame me. After all, we all know how talented you are with photoshop," he sneers, and the sound of her open palm connecting with his cheek rings loud and clear throughout the hallway.

"If I made it all up, then what about the pictures I have on my phone? Don't test me, Flynn. There's a whole lot more where all of that came from, and I can make things a hell of a lot worse for you." All colour from his face drains as he stares at her in shock, and I can practically see his mind working to try and figure out if she was bluffing or not, but knowing Maddie, she's not.

He moves so he's standing directly in front of her and I take a step forward, but she subtly shakes her head and holds up her hand, not taking her eyes away from his, so I stay back but don't relax my stance as I watch the scene unfold.

"There's a very special place in hell reserved for people like you," he growls and she simply smiles in return.

"At least I'll be nice and toasty." She blows him a kiss, then turns on her heel and stalks off, her minions following close behind.

You could hear a pin drop, the hallway was so silent. After a few moments, Flynn glances around at the students still lingering, waiting to see what their king will do next now that he's fallen at the hands of their queen, and I watch on as his skin turns from ghostly white to light pink and his eyes narrow.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" he yells, and several people jump at the sudden noise before everyone scurries off, the sound of their whispers filling the silence.

"Flynn," I whisper, and his head whips around to give me the deadliest glare I've ever seen.

"Stay the fuck away from me, Dalton," he growls before storming off to the front doors, pushing them open hard enough for them to slam into the side of the building, the sound of it making me flinch.

I stand in the middle of the deserted hallway, staring at the front doors in shock until the bell rings. I slowly pick up my bag and robotically make my way to my first class of the day, but I can't focus on anything the teacher is droning on about.

There's only one thing that I can bring myself to think about, and that's the fact that he called me Dalton.

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Sorry this is so short.  I try to make my chapters 2,500 - 4,000 words, but when it comes to a natural end, it seems silly to drag it out.  BUT!  That's why I'm giving you lovelies a double update.

Love you, guys!  Thanks in advance for the votes and comments - it means the world to me.

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