Chapter 36

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"I'm sorry I've been acting weird. I know now that if I had just talked to you from the get go, none of this would have happened, but... I don't know, I'm an idiot, and I figured it would be easier this way." He rubs his hands over his face and I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"I'm going to need you to start at the beginning and save the apologies for the end, because I have no idea what you're talking about." He lets out a humorless chuckle and nods, glancing at me from the corner of his eye before returning his gaze to his hands.

"Do you remember last month, when the new guy at school showed up?" Ah, his old fuck buddy. How could I forget? I can practically feel walls being erected around my heart as I slowly nod my head, not quite sure where this conversation is heading. "He was the one who was on the phone when I told you it was the UCLA coach, and again just now."

"Are you –"

"Please, just let me finish. Ask all the questions you want at the end, but please just let me talk." I bite down hard on my lip and take a deep breath before nodding for him to continue. "He has two brothers, one older and one younger. The younger one is on a peewee football team, and the older is the assistant coach, but he never liked sports, so he's not involved in it in any way." My eyebrows draw together in confusion, because I really don't see how any of this is relevant, but I manage to keep my mouth shut as per his request. "The phone call you overheard last month was him asking if I would meet up with him at some point because he needed a favour. He said he had tried to catch me at school, but I was always with you and he didn't want to intrude, so... he asked if we could meet for coffee instead.

"His brother, Pete, went to Europe for two weeks, and they needed someone to step in as assistant coach to help out. He knows I'm into football, and they were having a hard time finding someone, so he asked if I would do it. It was only supposed to be for two afternoon practises and one game each week for two weeks, and he said there would be monetary compensation involved, so I agreed.

"His brother ended up extending his trip last minute because he met someone and wasn't ready to leave yet, so I agreed to keep helping out for another two weeks until he came back. He's been back since last week, but hasn't returned to his coaching position, and I couldn't bring myself to leave them hanging.

"The reason I didn't tell you is because it was supposed to be short term, and your dad was very clear about me not getting a job and simply focusing on my studies, but I couldn't pass up the offer to make some cash. I want to take you out for dinner, or go to the movies, or... hell, put gas in my car, but I can't do that without money. There wasn't a lot of money in my account to begin with because it turns out my mom froze my trust fund when they kicked me out, as if they hadn't already done enough.

"They've been putting money in that account since they found out my mom was pregnant as a college fund, and I was counting on that to help me get through the next four years so I could focus on school and football, but now... I don't know what to do anymore, mouse."

I stay quiet for several minutes, trying to process everything he just said. He got a job. He's been lying to me for the last month... over a job.

"That's it?" I ask dryly, and he looks up at me in shock. "You've been lying to me, disappearing, making me question literally everything for the last month... because you got a temporary job?"

"Yes," he whispers, watching me warily as my eyes narrow.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Flynn?" I growl, smacking his arm with the back of my hand. He pouts and rubs the spot, quickly jumping out of the way when I reach for him again. "I thought you were cheating on me, you asshole!"

"I'm sorry! I know it was stupid, and I realize now that I should have told you about it, but I was scared you'd tell your parents, and then they'd kick me out because I wasn't following their rules! I'm an idiot, and I should have been honest from the very beginning, and talked to you about my worries, but... I didn't think, and I'm so, so sorry."

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