Chapter 38

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My lower lip tucked between my teeth, I let my eyes wander over Flynn's tall frame covered in black dress pants and a red dress shirt with a black tie. Tonight is prom. I never imagined actually attending prom since, much like football, it was just one of those rituals that I found a waste of time. Not to mention the entire thing is essentially a popularity contest, and I've always found the whole ordeal rather shallow to be quite honest.

"You've got a little drool," he says playfully with an eyebrow raised, his lips curled in a teasing smirk as his thumb brushes against the corner of my mouth.

"Shut up," I mutter as I turn away from him in an effort to hide my blush. Facing the mirror, I take in my black dress shirt and red tie with a smile. I practically demanded that we match in some way, and despite his sighs and eye rolls, he conceded with a 'yes, dear' and a smile.

"You look amazing," he whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around me from behind. I lean back against him and rest my hands on his forearms that are resting over my stomach as I take in the image of the two of us in the reflection.

It's kind of crazy to think how far we've come in the last nine months. We started our school year as enemies, and now we've been nominated as 'Cutest Couple'. If someone had told me in September that my life would end up like this, I probably would've punched them... or cried. Yeah, that's probably more likely.

We've had our share of issues, mostly revolving around the broken trust created from years of bullying and denial, but I like to think we've come out the other side stronger than we were to begin with.

We still have work to do; we're nowhere near perfect, and I'm well aware of that.

We still argue about stupid shit and get on each other's nerves from time to time, but we've learned to sit down and talk about it. We don't panic when the other needs to step away and cool down for a bit before having the conversation, because we know that we'll come back when we're ready. I sure as hell am not going anywhere, and Flynn has definitely proven the same thing to me.

In three weeks, we'll officially be done with our high school careers, and it feels surreal to me. After a lot of discussion, we've decided to get an apartment off campus to share to guarantee that we get to live together. Between his full ride scholarship with housing allowance, plus the housing allowance I earned with my winnings from the competition, we had no problems find a cute little one bedroom not far from campus that falls well within our budget. We've already signed all the paperwork, and we're set to move in at the beginning of September which will give us about a month to get settled into our new home before the school year starts.

"What're you thinking about, mouse?" Flynn asks, and I meet his eyes in the mirror with a bright smile.

"Us. How this year has turned out, and how excited I am to move into our apartment in September." He grins back at me and presses a soft kiss to my cheek, but before he has a chance to respond, a banging on my bedroom door startles us both.

"Let's go, losers!" Maddie shouts from the other side and I roll my eyes. "The car is here; we need to head out."

Our parents rented us a limo for the event, despite my protests, which will drive Maddie, her date Peter, her best friend from the cheer squad, Lizzy, and her date, Freddy, Connor and his date, Levi, Flynn, and myself to the venue.

With a sigh, Flynn removes his arms from around my waist and offers me his hand, which I eagerly accept, and together we make our way downstairs. After a quick goodbye to my parents, we head out to the sleek black car parked at the end of our driveway with a middle aged man wearing a suit and hat holding the back door open for us.

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