Chapter 28

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The dim lights seem to pulse to the beat of the music which I can feel down to my bones since it's so loud. My body sways and moves without my permission to the rhythm as I hold the small hi-ball glass close to me, the straw never once leaving my mouth.

My vision is a little blurry, I can feel my shirt clinging to me from the sweat, and I can't feel my mouth. Is that normal? Is your mouth supposed to go numb? I bite down on my lip and giggle when all I feel is a light pressure.

"Last call, everyone! You've got ten minutes to get your final drinks," the DJ's voice booms over the speakers and I glance at Maddie and Rebecca who nod quickly and drag me to the bar with them.

"I don't... nope. Can't do it, ladies. I'm done." You know it's bad when even you can hear the slur to your speech; I should've cut myself off a couple hours ago.

"Just one more, Dalton!" Becca whines, looking up at me with wide, pleading eyes, her makeup slightly smudged and her eyes incredibly glazed.

"You go right ahead, Becca doll, but I'm pretty sure if I consume more of the devils elixir, I may either vomit or pass out." She huffs but hops up to the bar the second an open space forms with Maddie right beside her.

I finish off the drink in my hands and place the empty glass on the counter of the bar before moving over to an open table to wait for them. I pull out my phone and blink at it a few times before squinting at the bright screen to try and make it come into focus.

"Need some help?" a high-pitched, Australian accented voice says from beside me, and I quickly look over to see a small brunette girl with dark brown eyes that remind me of Flynn. A small smile tugs at the corner of my lips as I think of my boyfriend, my heart thumping a bit faster in my chest.

"Just need to call a ride but my phone must be broken; the screen is all fuzzy." She laughs and shakes her head before sitting on the empty stool beside me.

"Looking for a cab company?" I think about it for a moment before shaking my head and squinting at my phone once more.

"Nope. Dad." I don't really want to deal with a cab right now, and I don't think any of us are in any position to relay our address, so calling the parental unit is probably the safest bet. My phone disappears from my hands and I stare at them for a few seconds, completely baffled as to where it could have gone.

"Here," the girl says before shoving the phone back into my hands. I raise an eyebrow before looking at the screen, seeing what I think is my dad's contact page, and give her a grateful smile.

"Thanks! You have yourself a swell day." She grins and nods as I put the phone to my ear.

"Dalton?" Dad's voice comes over the phone sounding thick with sleep and I frown guiltily.

"Hi, Dad!" He chuckles and I can hear some shuffling on his end followed by some whispering.

"You lot ready to come home?" he asks with a yawn and I nod. "Dalton?"

"I nodded."

"Can't see you, kid," he chuckles and I laugh with him.

"Right, I knew that. Could you come? Addresses are hard."

"Sure they are, kid. I'm on my way, just hang tight. Meet me outside the club, yeah?"

"Aye, aye, captain!" He snorts and I can practically hear him rolling his eyes.

"See you in fifteen."

"I'm hungry, can we eat?" I'm met with silence and I frown. "Dad?" I pull the phone away and see my screen black, making me sigh. Jerk hung up on me, how rude. An arm lands across my shoulders and I jump, looking to my right to see Rebecca glaring at the girl I had managed to forget was sitting beside me.

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