Chapter 17

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A soft, startled moan slips out the second his lips make contact with my own, my eyes automatically closing as I relish in the feeling. Unlike when I surprise attacked him two years ago, there's no hesitation on his end as he slowly moves his lips against mine. I hesitantly reach over and rest my hand on his thigh, terrified the movement will break the spell and make him freak out again, but he surprises me by sliding his fingers through my hair and pulling my closer.

His head tilts slightly to the side as his tongue flicks along my bottom lip before he captures it with his teeth gently, causing me to moan softly and shift closer to him, cursing the fact that we're in the front seat of his car so there's only so close I can get.

My entire body feels like it's on fire and it's like electric shocks are being passed between our lips. This is what I was expecting to feel when Vincent kissed me. The passion, the heat, the excitement; not awkward and uncomfortable. But maybe my parents were right – he just wasn't the right person. Does this mean Flynn is the right person?

When I part my lips for him and feel his tongue slide along my own, I get that fluttery feeling like when you're on an amusement park ride and there's an abrupt drop, and I squeeze his thigh in an attempt to ground myself from the intensity of it all. He moans in response and tangles his fingers in my hair, tugging it lightly as our tongues dance together, each sweep of his tongue creating a pulsing sensation in my southern region which I'm now realizing is bordering on painful.

Hesitantly, I pull away from his lips and rest my forehead against his, our breaths mingling as we both pant heavily to regain the oxygen we just thoroughly depleted. He loosens his grip on my hair slowly and gently runs his fingers through the tangled strands, and I find myself leaning slightly into the touch.

"That," he whispers quietly, still not pulling away from me, "should have been our first kiss." I can feel the heat creeping onto my cheeks, but I try my damn hardest to push it down.

"As far as I'm concerned, it was," I whisper back, not wanting to disrupt the quiet moment, and my quiet response is rewarded with a light peck from his smiling lips before he pulls away, much to my disappointment.

"Shall we go eat?" I nod and we exit the car. He walks ahead of me and holds the door to the restaurant open for me to enter and I give him a small smile as I head inside, immediately being hit with the scent of mouth-watering diner food.

"Morning, boys. Take a seat wherever, I'll be right with you," an older woman calls from behind the counter that spans the length of the restaurant. We slide into opposite sides of a booth near the back and I let my eyes wander around the space until the waitress walks over. "What can I get for you?"

"I'll have a coffee, please," Flynn says, taking the menu she hands him and looking down at the options.

"And for you, hon?"

"Coffee as well. Thank you." She nods and scurries away to get our drinks.

"Order whatever you want, my treat." I raise an eyebrow and glance up at him over the top of my menu.

"Like... a date?" I ask quietly and his eyes snap up to meet mine.

He hesitates for a moment before asking, "Is that what you want this to be?" I lean back against my seat as I think about his question. Do I want this to be a date? If I say yes, does that mean I'm agreeing to more? Do I want more, or do I just want us to be friends? "Mouse?" I refocus on his face and frown at how hurt he looks. Why does he look so upset? My eyes widen slightly when I realize I haven't answered his question yet.

"Yes." He slumps slightly in relief and gives me a shy smile which makes me grin in return. That's an expression I've never seen on him before, and it's rather endearing if I'm being honest.

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