Chapter 16

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"It's late. You can come back tomorrow if you want to see him, but for now, I think its best if you go home."

"Flynn?" His gaze snaps over to me as soon as I round the corner and he visibly relaxes when we make eye contact. "What're you doing here?"

"I just wanted to make sure you made it home safe. I went to the bathroom and when I came back, you were gone and I didn't see you for the rest of the night. You're good though, right?" My eyebrows pull together in confusion as I glance at my dad and then back to Flynn.

"Of course I'm good, why wouldn't I be?" Dad slowly makes his way back to the living room, patting my shoulder as he walks past me.

"So he didn't... try anything?"

"What are you talking about?" Why do I get the feeling he knows something that I don't? He glances around before stepping back outside and gesturing for me to follow him. I sigh and step outside, closing the door softly behind me. "What's going on?"

"I overheard Vincent in the locker room today after the game," he says quietly, avoiding eye contact as he moves to sit on the steps.

"Okay?" What the hell does that have to do with me? I lower myself so I'm sitting beside him and wait for him to continue.

"He was talking about tonight, and how he..."

"How he what?" He sighs and rests his elbows on his knees before hiding his face in his hands.

"Maybe I heard him wrong. It doesn't matter." What could he have heard that would make him go out of his way to check up on me?

"What did he say, Flynn?" And why do I have a bad feeling about what his answer will be?

"It was probably just stupid locker room talk, it doesn't mean anything."

"Flynn." The fact that he's avoiding answering me is making me even more nervous, and I don't like where my mind is going. He looks over at me finally and watch the internal debate flicker over his eyes until eventually he sighs.

"He mentioned something about getting lucky tonight and adding another V-card to his collection," he mumbles, and I swear all colour from my face vanishes instantly.

"You're lying." Vincent was so sweet and bordering on shy from the moment we spoke this morning, so there's no way he said that.

"Like I said, maybe I heard him wrong. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, just in case."

"You did hear him wrong, and I'm fine. He wouldn't do that." Or would he? I mean, it's not like I actually know him at all, we just met this morning. But still, who would say something like that? Flynn looks like he wants to argue, but bites his lip and nods slowly instead.

"I'm glad you're okay. I'll talk to you later, okay?" he asks as he stands up and faces me. I don't know what to say so I simply nod and watch as he makes his way to his car before slowly pulling out of the driveway and driving away.

"What was that about?" Dad asks and I jump when I see him leaning against the railing.

"When did you get out here?" He chuckles and lowers himself to sit on the step beside me.

"Just now. Is everything okay?" I look away from him and hesitate. I usually tell my dad's everything, but do I really want to tell him about this? He'll freak, and definitely never let me see Vincent again, but would that really be such a bad thing? I mean, if what Flynn said was true, combined with the total lack of chemistry this evening, it's not like I'd be missing out on anything. If anything, he'd be doing me a favour by forbidding me from seeing him again. "Dalton? What's going on? Did Flynn hurt you?" he asks when I still haven't responded, his voice dark with barely controlled anger.

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