Chapter 19

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Halloween is undoubtedly one of my favourite times of year. I mean, what's not to like? It's the one day a year that you can be whoever you want to be, whether it's your true self or a persona in which you crave to embrace, with absolutely no risk of judgement.

Today also happens to be the day that I finally get to submit the final draft of my story to be judged, and depending on the results, could define my future.

No pressure.

Under my parents advisement, I applied to a few different schools since it never hurts to have options – if I get accepted, it doesn't mean I have to go, it simply means that I have more opportunities when the fall swings back around.

"Christ, Dalton, hold still," Maddie snaps, and I roll my eyes in response. She steps back and glares at me, placing her hands on her hips. "That's the opposite of holding still. Do you want to do your makeup yourself?"

"I've done it myself every other year, and had every intention of doing it myself this year, too. You're the one who insisted you do it."

"I'm trying to be a good sister, now shut your mouth so I can finish making you look pretty." I raise an eyebrow and lean back away from her when she comes towards me with a makeup brush.

"Pretty? What the fuck are you doing to my face?" I turn towards my mirror but she grabs my shoulders and keeps me in place.

"Stay. Still."


"Relax, I know what you're dressing up as, and I'm making sure it's on brand."

Reluctantly, I nod and close my eyes so she can continue whatever she's doing. I feel something cold and liquid on the side of my face followed by her pushing something hard and rather sharp to the spot and I breathe in sharply through my teeth.

"What the fuck?"

"Trust me, bro. Trust me."

I slouch in my seat like a petulant child and stay still while she continues poking and prodding at my face, the soft bristles of various brushes dancing across my skin and the occasional object being stuck to it, and I'm seriously starting to regret allowing her to help.

"Holy shit," Pop whispers from the doorway, and my eyes fly open to meet his. He's staring at me with his eyes wide and his mouth agape, and I really can't tell if it's a good expression, or bad.

"She won't let me look in a mirror. Is it awful?" She smacks my shoulder and I wince, rubbing the spot as I glare up at her.

"Maddie, have you ever thought of going to school to do makeup? You could make a killing here in LA on the movie sets," he continues as he steps into the room and she gives me a smug smile before turning her attention to him.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you and Dad about that. I think I want to pursue cosmetology next year." Pop is nodding before she's even done talking, his eyes glued to my face.

"Yes, you definitely need to do that. Ashton! Come in here!" I cringe at the volume of his voice before facing Maddie again and closing my eyes per her instructions. A minute later, Dad's footsteps sounded down the hall and I heard him enter the room. He released a low whistle to which Pop giggled and whispered "Right?"

"Can I look yet? Everyone else gets to see." The pout in my tone is clear as day, but she simply ignores me and continues working. "Maddie..."

"Finished!" she exclaims and takes a step back. I open my eyes and give her the best puppy-dog look I can manage. She thankfully takes the hint and nods, gesturing to the mirror, so I quickly stand up and walk over to take in my appearance.

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