Chapter 32

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"Boys, it's time to get ready for school!" Dad calls from the hallway as he bangs on my bedroom door, effectively causing us to jump apart from our heated make-out session.

I fall back on my pillow with a groan of frustration, squeezing my eyes shut and gritting my teeth together in an attempt to will my erection away. Flynn chuckles quietly and presses a soft kiss to my shoulder before climbing out of bed to get ready for the day.

He's been living with us for two weeks, and it's been an excruciating two weeks. Don't get me wrong, having him here is amazing, and we quickly fell into a routine that has been working seamlessly, but having him so close but needing to stay so far away is killing me.

Personally, I'm all for bending the rules a bit. What my parents don't know won't hurt them, so what's the harm in fooling around in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep? But nope, Flynn refuses. The furthest we've gone is making out and some light grinding. We haven't had a chance to be fully intimate since before I went to Australia, and I don't think it would bother me nearly as much as it does if he wasn't sleeping next to me every single night.

"Come on, mouse, we have to get ready for school." Slowly peeling my eyes open, I see him pulling his shirt on while giving me an apologetic smile. With a sigh, I finally drag my ass out of bed and stumble through my morning routine.

"Good morning!" Pop chirps when we walk into the kitchen and I grumble a 'morning' back in response while making myself a cup of coffee. "Someone's in a mood this morning." I shoot him a glare as he raises an eyebrow at me before I walk out onto the back deck to enjoy some quiet for a few minutes while I finish my coffee and mentally prepare myself for the day.

I've just gotten comfortable on one of the chairs with my feet tucked up and my knees against my chest when the sliding door opens, and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from snapping at whoever is disturbing my peace. I just want five minutes to myself, why is that too much to ask for?

"Everything okay?" Pop asks as he sits beside me and I nod absentmindedly as I sip on my coffee, staring out into our backyard. "Did you and Flynn have a fight?" I shake my head and cradle the hot cup between my hands, enjoying the warmth seeping through the ceramic. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine!" I snap before closing my eyes tightly and releasing a drawn out sigh. "Sorry, Pop," I whisper, reopening my eyes to stare into my drink. "I just woke up in a mood, I guess. I shouldn't have snapped at you, that was uncalled for." Feeling his eyes on me, I glance over to see him watching me with a thoughtful expression.

"Any particular reason for the mood, or just having a day?" I lift one shoulder in a half-hearted shrug before taking another sip of the rapidly cooling coffee in my hands. "You can talk to me, you know?"

"I know, it's just... petty and weird," I mumble as my face warms slightly.

"Try me." I glance at him again and take in his encouraging smile and the complete lack of judgment in his demeanor.

"I'm just... frustrated," I finally whisper before finishing my drink and placing the empty mug on the small table.

"About what?"

"I love having Flynn here and getting to spend so much time with him, but a part of me misses how things were before Christmas."

"Like having your own space?" he asks, turning to face me a bit better. "The offer stands to organize a guest room for him, you know."

"No! No, it's not that. Like I said, I love being able to spend more time with him. But things were... different before," I mumble the last part and risk a glance at him to see if he gets what I'm hinting at, but he just looks confused. "We had more... us time before." It takes a moment before his eyebrows raise in understanding and he snorts in amusement.

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