Chapter 20

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The bass heavy music infiltrates my body, making my entire body feel like it's vibrating as I feel the beat all the way down to my marrow. Flynn's hand is clasped with mine, our fingers laced together, as he leads me up to the front door. He hands the person stationed at the door a twenty and then opens the door where nothing but darkness greets us and my brows furrow in confusion.

He steps in first and I hesitantly follow him, jumping slightly when the door slams shut behind me. As my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness, I can finally make out the cobwebs dangling from the ceiling, and freakishly realistic looking spiders sitting on the wall. We're in some kind of a hallway, and when a sudden flash of light blinds me, I notice what looks like blood streaking the hardwood floor. Dear god, what have I gotten myself into?

"You ready, mouse?" Flynn whispers in my ear and I take a deep breath to calm myself before giving him a nod.

He squeezes my hand and leads me down the corridor slowly before beginning his ascent up a set of stairs. The path is too narrow for the both of us to walk side by side since I'm assuming they just cut the staircase in half with a temporary wall, so I stay close behind him while clutching to his hand for dear life.

I've always loved horror movies and the idea of a haunted house, but I've never actually been in one. The feeling of eyes on me has the hair on the back of my neck standing on end and my eyes dart around the darkness nervously. The sounds of chains rattling up ahead has my heart racing, and I try to mentally prepare myself for what's up ahead as we make our way down a hallway that has a few doors on our left, but the wall on the right looks like it has claw marks running down it.

A light flickers up ahead and I try to push Flynn to move faster, but he simply chuckles and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, shooting me a grin over his shoulder before turning his attention to one of the doors as we're passing it. His lips curl into a smirk just before he returns his focus to the path ahead and I swallow nervously as I try to keep myself as far right as possible.

An embarrassingly high pitched squeal escapes me when I pass the room Flynn was smirking at when a man dressed like a zombie lunges at me, but the chains around him prevent him from escaping the room. My heart is racing and I can feel sweat beading along my forehead while Flynn's shoulders shake with suppressed laughter.

"Shut up," I grumble petulantly before giving the zombie a tentative smile and a small wave. He winks at me before slinking back into the darkness and I take a deep, calming breath as we continue down the seemingly never ending corridor. The next room showcases a girl dressed as a bride, holding a bloody knife next to the body of a man lying on the ground in a tux, blood covering his dress shirt. She looks up at as and gives us a demonic looking smile before she charges at us with the knife in the air.

I shove Flynn's back in an attempt to make him walk faster, muttering 'move' over and over again under my breath. Just like the zombie, she doesn't go further than the doorway, but pounds her fist at the threshold, a banging sound echoing with each swing as if she was hitting a glass wall.

We enter the room at the end of the hallway, and I couldn't be more relieved when I don't see any people hanging out – it just looks like a normal teenage girls' bedroom. Flynn hesitates in front of a door in the room and I shift my feet anxiously.

"Why aren't you moving?" I whisper, and he turns around to face me, but his eyes wander over my shoulder and he bites his lip like he's trying to hold back a smile. "So help me god, Flynn, open the damn door." He glances at me in amusement before returning his focus to the other side of the room. "I'm not fucking turning around you little shit, now move." He snorts out a laugh and I jump before squeezing my eyes shut when I feel warm breath ghost across my neck. "I suggest you back up, because it would be incredibly unfortunate if I punched you," I state as calmly as I can to the person behind me.

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