Proposal *

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A/N - Hey guys! Just wanna say that I love you and the art for this chapter is going to be original but it will be updated when I finish it, but I wanted to get the chapter out to you guys and will make a note of when the art is changed. Love you and hope everyone is staying safe and horny.. I mean healthy. MWAH

(Time Skip)

"Wait for me!" Kuroo called out. I turned around and laughed at my friend, jogging up to me in the parking lot. 

"Out of shape?" I chuckled, pushing my elbow into his ribs. He scoffed, 

"You're one to talk, didn't Akaashi mention a missing bag of chips?" He smirked as his hand clapped onto my shoulder. 

"He knows damn well where they are, he just likes playing mind games with me. Last week he asked me if I ate all the ice cream, meanwhile he was spooning it out of the container in the middle of the night." I thought back to walking out of our bedroom, looking at his illuminated figure in the freezer light. He turned and smiled at me, my  shirt hanging off his shoulders as he extended the spoon to me. Adorable, he was still the best thing I'd ever laid my eyes on. I made sure that ice cream melted on the kitchen floor while I showed Akaashi just how adorable he was. 

"Well, on that note I can relate. Every time Kenma comes over to my place he eats all the snacks and then blames Yama." Kuroo laughed, but I could hear the nerves creeping up in his voice. 

"Are you ready?" I asked under my breath. He nodded, 

"I've been ready since I was 17, but i  don't know, it's been four years and I still get butterflies when he looks at me." Kuroo looked at me and shrugged, his eyes squinted, 

"Well it's been five for me and the butterflies are gone for the most part, but my lungs have only gotten worse because Akaashi just sucks the air right out of them with a single frown." We both laughed and I pat his back, 

"Is that them?" Kuroo pointed at the two figures down on the sidewalk. I squinted until I could make out their shape, 

"Yeah it is, should we let them walk ahead for a bit?" I asked, looking to him to see if his face was still red, but he shook his head. 

"I think it's better if they don't spend that much time conspiring, last time they were alone this long together we all got into a sticky situation." Kuroo poked my ribs as my head dropped, my cheeks heating up, 

"Don't remind me, Akaashi thinks it's funny that I had to sleep for two days after that. He brings up often, even around my parents!" I hissed as Kuroo chuckled, 

"Kenma will vaguely mention 'last year' and I'll get worked up too, which is why we should be working to prevent another scheme from them." Kuroo stepped ahead before turning back with a confused grin, "Two days?" 

I  shouldn't have even started talking about this with him, we agreed we wouldn't speak of it ever again. 

"Sorry, not everyone involved has stamina of steel like you two." I shook my head and pushed him ahead, 

"Hey," he defended, "Kenma slept the whole next day." I scoffed, 

"He probably wouldn't have had to if he didn't suggest it in the first place." This made him freeze, 

"Wait, Kenma said Akaashi suggested it.." We looked at each other before laughing, 

"Fuck they cover all their bases don't they?" I saw Kenma and Akaashi turning around to face us, 

"You boys alright?" Kenma called. Kuroo turned and nodded, 

"Just trying to figure out if you two have been alone long enough to concoct another devious plan." Kuroo said brazenly. I shut my eyes as I heard Akaashi laughing, 

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