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Akaashi leaned back in his seat, laughing as Akinori turned bright red and smacked Bokuto. He felt Bokuto lean over into his body as he recoiled from the smack, 

"Akaashi! He hit me!" Bokuto pushed himself closer. Akaashi pushed back on him, 

"You deserved it." He said, looking at the shock on Bokuto's face. 

"How dare you." He muttered, sitting up in between him and Akinori. Akaashi smiled, pushing his hand onto Bokuto's leg. Bokuto raised an eyebrow at him, it made Akaashi look away and use his other hand to finish the food on his plate. 

"Thanks for coming out guys," Kuroo said, everyone mumbled their 'of course' and 'no problem's. Kuroo smiled at Akaashi then at Bokuto, Akaashi had noticed his mood changing during lunch earlier, but he seemed back to normal now. 

Akaashi held back a smile as Bokuto took his wrist and pushed his hand back towards his knee. He looked over and examined the face he'd looked at so many times, now that it was laughing and his cheeks were flushing red Akaashi felt his own lips curling into a grin. 

He leaned up to Bokuto's face, kissing his jaw so that Bokuto tucked his face into his shoulder. 

"Can you stop?" Bokuto whispered, Akaashi slowly blinked as he felt those eyes on him. 

"I don't want to, but I will." Akaashi shrugged, pulling his hand off his leg and on to the table. Bokuto shook his head before leaning his elbows back on the table. 

"Do we want to get going? We've got practice in the morning." Washio stood up and Kuroo looked up at him, 

"Of course, I should leave to get back for my own practice in the morning." Kuroo stood up next, 

"It's been wonderful having you around so much," Akaashi pushed off the bench and walked around, "You're such a treat." Kuroo grinned before pulling Akaashi into his chest. Akaashi laughed and felt the powerful arms around his shoulders, 

"I'm glad you two worked it out," Kuroo mumbled into his head, Akaashi nodded against his chest. 

Akaashi saw Bokuto and Akinori get up from the table. He pulled away from Kuroo's hold and sighed. He reached up to touch the sharp face, brushing the dark hair off his forehead, 

"We love you, don't forget that okay?" Akaashi saw Kuroo shut his eyes as he nodded, 

"I won't, thank you." Kuroo held onto the back of his hand for a moment before stepping away. Bokuto appeared wildly, 

"Alright baby," Akaashi rolled his eyes as Bokuto wrapped around his waist, digging his chin into his shoulder, "Let's get you out of here." 

Akaashi groaned and shrugged away from Bokuto, "Can you say goodbye to your friend first?" Bokuto sighed, 

"I guess." He pulled away and Akaashi watched Kuroo fight down a smile, "Kuroo, I'll see you around yeah?" Their hands connected before their shoulders pressed into each others chests.

 "Yeah, hopefully next time we see each other one of us is moving up to nationals." Kuroo laughed, "We both know it'll be you guys." 

"Hopefully," Bokuto said as he pulled away, "If our setter can walk after tonight." 

Akaashi's mouth flew open and he smacked Bokuto's arm, both boys giggled as he smacked him again, 

"Can you just be normal? Like once?" Akaashi asked, baffled he had little filter. Kuroo shook his head, 

"He can't, he'll always be a little pervert." Kuroo braced himself as Bokuto now smacked him, 

"Coming from you? You're an actual pervert!" Bokuto put his hands up, both of them pointing at Kuroo. Akaashi laughed, 

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