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As soon as his hood was down I'd known him. The scar on his face was nasty, but it didn't change the face that haunted me. 

"Roman?" I breathed. His lips pulled up, 

"Oh good, you remember me." his voice was bad, gravelly and strained. I didn't know what had happened to him since Rome but I thought he was dead. 

"You've haunted me since Rome." I said. I felt Akaashi move, reminding me he was here. Shit why was he here? I reached back and held his side, slipping him directly behind me. 

"Haunted? That's for the dead Bokuto.." Walker laughed, "Fran would be the only ghost to haunt you." 

"Damien said you went into cardiac arrest.. that you died. When I looked you up on the internet it said you died..." I was confused, nothing made sense. How was he alive? Why was he here? What was Walker planning? How did Akaashi end up in the worst situation because of it? 

"I had a heart attack, but they declared me dead even though I wasn't. When I came to I wasn't in the hospital, instead I was in Walker's little private hospital. He said that everyone thought I was dead and that I could start over." Roman waved the gun and I dug my fingers into Akaashi's hip, his fingers gingerly wrapped around my wrist in a strange comfort. I didn't want this to be how we reunited. 

"So he worked for me for awhile, he's quite the hitman you know?" Walker laughed and I glanced to Kuroo, he was shitting a brick, but his face was as broody as always. Thank the stars for his grumpy face and dark hair, he looked pretty scary even next to Roman and his nasty scar. 

"Why?" I asked. Roman shrugged, 

"Everyone was always walking on eggshells around me, waiting for me to break just like my father, so I became someone else." He tapped the gun to his forehead, 

"Anyway, Mika wouldn't ever shut up about you." Walker pointed at me, "I was sick of it, so I tried to distract her with me. It worked for awhile, my wife and I inviting Mika over once a week, but then it became just Mika and I and then she would start talking about you after. God all she ever talking about was the boy with the white spiky hair." Walker waved his hands around and shook his head. Bokuto was scared, Roman had a look on his face that he was here for pay and not just to say hi. 

"Anway," Walker continued, "I asked her what she wanted to get you off her mind, she said she wanted you again. That if she could have sex one more time she would be able to move on, but I knew she was lying. I knew she would just keep playing mind games with all of us. I told Roman to come meet us, he was supposed to kill you, then my sister, then go back and do Damien. Damien left him for dead and it was part of the deal that as his last job he'd get to kill him." Walker was talking about killing people like it was nothing, like it didn't stick with you forever. I swallowed, 

"So now what? Do we just line up?" I asked, keeping my voice as steady as possible. Walker narrowed his eyes, 

"No, it hardly seems like fun now." He was laughing, it sent my hair on edge. Akaashi moved so his stomach pressed into my back, fuck he was getting scared. I took a deep breath, 

"Roman do you remember that night?" Time for a hail Mary. 

"Mostly." He nodded, 

"Do you remember who took you to the bathroom and got you water? Do you remember who made sure you kept your clothes on? Who did what you asked him to?" I was praying he didn't hold me responsible for his medicine. He was nodding when I continued, "Now, who was it that forced you to take off your clothes? Who was it that made you watch as him and his friend started having sex? Who didn't listen to you when you said you didn't feel good?" 

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