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"Fucking knock it off!" I shouted as Kuroo threw yet another piece of food at me. I wiped the popcorn onto the ground and scowled at him. He was laughing at my desk, his feet crossed as he stuck out his tongue. 

"Entertain me." He whined, 

"I'm kind of shitting myself waiting for Akaashi to say like anything." I waved my phone at him and saw his eyes roll, 

"Well he was crying like the entire night, I didn't want to ask him if he was still into you or not. I barely had the balls to go down and ask him if he wanted help up to his bed." Kuroo sighed. I was thankful he'd brought over the bag for me, that he'd given Akaashi the space and stayed there to help him. 

"Did he?" I asked, still a little worried that Kuroo was attracted to Akaashi. I'd been pestering him about it for two weeks now, but Kuroo kept saying 'that's not what I'm into'. I wanted to know what he was into then. 

"Yeah, he's gotten quite the depression mess going on in that room though." Kuroo laughed, 

"What is that?" I asked, Kuroo pointed to the pile of clean clothes that I'd dumped on my bed and never put away, 

"The fact that you've just been sleeping next to this pile for a week? This bag of half full chip bags that you let get stale, let me see what else?" Kuroo mused. I rolled my eyes, 

"This is just a phase, I'll pick it up.." 

"No Bokuto, this.." he waved around the room, "is a depression mess, you get all sad and start collecting blankets and forming a nest in one area and everything around that nest is not your problem." Kuroo was laughing as he picked up an empty olive can. 

"I was hungry..." I whispered, 

"You ate room temperature olives out of a can!" Kuroo waved it at me, "Where is the water that was in there with them? Bokuto tell me you didn't drink that olive water!" He turned it upside down to show it was dry. 

"I didn't want it to spill!" I defended, he tossed the can at me and I screamed, swatting it away. 

"Nasty Bokuto!" I laughed and sank deeper into the bed. He was right, I had about three extra blankets on my bed and it was the only area of the room not covered in clean or dirty clothes. I just didn't have the motivation to actually put the dirty clothes in the hamper or hang up my clean ones. 

Maybe he was onto something with this depression mess business. 

My phone vibrated and I jumped, my heart raced as I flipped it over to read it, 

Damien- Can you meet? It's important. 

"Shit," I cursed, dropping the phone. I needed to block him, but I needed him to actually leave me alone first, 

"What?" Kuroo asked as he tossed a rubber band ball up into the air and caught it, 

"Damien, he texted asking me to meet." I showed him my phone, 

"Tell him to fuck off." Kuroo shrugged. 

- Can you leave me alone? It's important. 

Damien- Ever the jokester, it's about Mika and Walker. Can you just talk for five minutes? 

- Can't you tell me over text then? Also this can't possibly concern me. 

Damien- They both asked for you specifically so it apparently does. 

- Asked for me? For what? 

Damien- I don't know, they said they found something on the boat and they needed you. It might be yours or something. 

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