Afternoon *

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Akaashi enjoyed being with the boys, Hina set them at the long table and brought out extra drinks for them.

She was waving Akaashi over as she stood near the bar. He excused himself and headed over to her.

"Hey, so, the gray haired kid..." she blushed and pointed at Akinori. Akaashi smiled and waited for her to finish.

"Is he.. single?" She grinned. He shrugged, she smacked him before giggling herself.

"Yeah, I can tell him you like him." He said and pretended to walk off. She yanked him back quickly,

"Don't you dare. I can do my own setting up." She said and pushed him away. He leaned back to her and whispered,

"Bokuto and I made out last night."

"NO WAY," she covered her mouth and They watched the boys turn to see why she yelled. Luckily they were the only ones on the patio.

"Sorry," she said and beamed at me, "So?" She pressed her finger into his chest.

"It's good, I think. Ever since, he looks at me like he wants to either kill me or Well, you know.." she laughed and squeezed his arm.

"Let's hope for the latter," she said before leaving him. He walked back and took his seat across from Bokuto. Akinori was next to him so he leaned over and tapped him.

"Hina thinks your hot, she'll probably leave her number for you." Akaashi whispered. Akinori gasped and grabbed Akaashi's arm to keep him close,

"Are you serious? Because she's super fine..." Akinori looked around to the other boys but Akaashi could see they could care less.

"Yes I'm serious, but she is my best friend so be nice." He warned. Akinori saluted him and sighed,

"As nice as she wants me to be." He agreed and turned red as she headed back to the table.

Akaashi knew she was pretty, he always had. She was an even five foot, light as a feather, and she'd played enough sports to give herself quite the body. Her shoulder length black hair was always pin straight and never frizzy, she even had thick lashes he'd been jealous of.

She set the trays of food down and Akaashi watched the now awkward eye contact between her and Akinori. She scolded him for telling before passing the plates forward.

While the boys inhaled their food Akaashi dismissed himself to talk to Hina.

"Akinori likes you too, so be careful with him." He said as he helped her carry a few plates to the sink.

"I'll be careful enough," she laughed.

He returned to the table just in time for the boys to kick into digest mode. Bokuto leaned forward on the table and groaned.

"I called a ride home," Akaashi announced and everyone cheered before returning to grumbling. They had to have two cars to take them all back to Akaashi's house.

Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi took the first car and the other three took the second. Akaashi was in the far end,  Bokuto in the middle.

He looked over and watched Kuroo lean back against the head rest, then Bokuto leaned over and put his head on his shoulder.

"Bokuto.." he said softly

"He doesn't care," Bokuto mumbled before placing a hand on his thigh. Akaashi smiled and looked out the window as they drove back to his house.

They went into the living room and the other three were quick behind. Nap time at the Akaashi house. He curled into the corner and everyone else dragged pillows and blankets all over the room. Kuroo laid down on the long side of the couch and Akaashi leaned his head back, crossing his arms on his chest.

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