* The End *

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A/N; wow, I love you all in unimaginable numbers!! This is the second fic we've ended together and I'm so happy to announce a third! A final book with these characters will follow them as Kenma and Kuroo navigate marriage and Bokuto and Akaashi navigate a new issue. Four will be released after this chapter! It will probably be a diff POV each chapter instead of two per chapter and that way it will be a bit easier to follow with the four characters. I hope if you've made it this far that you'll enjoy the upcoming fic which I hope brings lots of love, laugh, smut, and maybe a sprinkle of angst. Stay Horny.. I mean Happy! 


Akaashi unlocked the front door of the office, the golden bell sounding above his head as he turned into the doorway and disarmed the alarm. He sighed as he balanced the book, phone, magazine, keys, and coffee in his hand. He walked through the office to the backroom, flipping on the lights and watching the room flood with fluorescents

He looked down at the scattering of his stuff on the desk, the magazine cover made him smile. Bokuto's face and shoulders took up the space, a sly grin and those narrowed golden eyes painted on his face. 

His phone lit up and twisted on the desk under his keys, He reached down and answered, 

"I was just looking at you.." He said, 

"Mmm," Bokuto whined, "You left me here." He grumbled. Akaashi laughed, hearing Bokuto turn over in bed, 

"I tried to wake you up," Akaashi kept talking as he walked around and picked up empty coffee cups and other trash. 

"Not hard enough," Bokuto sighed, "Now I have a whole day off and I won't see you until dinner." Akaashi's eyes rolled, 

"How many times have we done this?" Akaashi tossed everything in the trash, listening to the groaning through the phone. 

"Too many," he snapped, making Akaashi laugh, "Can't you come home for lunch?" 

"No love," Akaashi looked up as his coworkers started to arrive, "Hina and Akinori are going to be over in a little bit to grab a few things, hang out with them." 

"I don't want to hang out with them..." He whined, "I just wanna go back to sleep but not alone." 

"Well grab my pillow and go to sleep, I have work to do."  Akaashi sat at his desk and logged into the computer, 

"Nooo, talk to me longer." Bokuto whined, Akaashi heard the bed creak as Bokuto moved, 

"No," Akaashi chuckled, "Get a shower, go to sleep, do something. I love you.." Akaashi waited. 

"I love you," Bokuto sighed, "Have a good day." 

"You too," Akaashi hung up. He shook his head, lowkey enjoying how clingy Bokuto got on his days off. 


Annoyed, I was so annoyed as Hina and Akinori walked through the apartment. Not annoyed that they were in love, not annoyed that they were loud as hell, not even annoyed that they were taking some of Akaashi's boxes out of the closet. 

I was annoyed that Hina was wearing an adorable pink dress, long sleeves and a heart shaped cut out on her chest. Not to mention the perfect way it made what was a tiny bump obvious. 

"Hina," I groaned, pushing myself off the couch and rolled my eyes, "Put that shit down." I waved my hand at her to set the box down, 

"I'm only four months and you guys love to act like I can't even walk up stairs without assistance." She whined as I took the box from her, 

"Akaashi knows how to pack a box, so I know that it's heavy." I smiled down at her, hiding how annoyed she made me. How her and Akinori settling down and having a family just pissed me off for some reason. Something I couldn't explain, their happiness wasn't what annoyed me, Akaashi and I were happy, more than happy. We were in love, just like them. 

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