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Akaashi waited, watching Bokuto drop his hand. 

"Can we get out of here? I knew we shouldn't have done this.." Bokuto made his way around the table. Akaashi stepped back, 

"You understand why I have to ask don't you?" He felt his throat close, he was not going to be okay if any of what Damien said was true. 

"Of course, but can we talk about it somewhere else?" Bokuto softened his voice, his hands reached out for Akaashi. Akaashi sighed and took them, 

"Don't." He turned his face as Bokuto pulled him closer, Bokuto sighed and let him go. 

"Akaashi.." He kept walking out of the cafe, Bokuto followed him while calling his name, but Akaashi needed air, to breath. 

When his face hit the crisp air he let Bokuto grab him, "Fuck, Akaashi what happened?" 

Akaashi turned into Bokuto's chest, finding an unfortunate comfort in the scent that he breathed in, 

"I think we need to do a full disclosure talk." Akaashi said, "I can't get blindsided like this and feel like I don't even know you." His eyes stung as Bokuto held him, 

"I'm so sorry, I knew when he left the table that he was up to no good." Bokuto started to rub Akaashi's back. He pulled away and took a deep breath, 

"I want to go home," He said. 


Fuck, I was a nervous wreck sitting next to him on the car ride home. He was so still and distant, I couldn't imagine what all Damien had told him, or even why he would try and get between us right now. I hated myself for setting this up, for bringing Akaashi anywhere near these people. 

What happened in Rome? If Damien wanted him to know why wouldn't he just tell him, now I had to sit down and be the bad guy again. This would all be so much easier if I was just never a piece of shit. 

"We're here," I tapped Akaashi and he nodded, we got out of the car and I waited for him to walk to the house, but he just turned to face me, 

"Can we go inside?" I asked, he shook his head, 

"I need to know, I need to know why you couldn't trust yourself to meet him by yourself." I saw the hurt on his face, I needed it to go away. 

"I never said that, I didn't want to go and be cornered by him or him and Mika, I didn't trust him. I would never do anything to jeopardize this." I pointed between us, his hands went up to wave me off, 

"So if you went there by yourself and it was just you and him you wouldn't be worried that you'd make the wrong choice?" The way he asked the question was careful and I wish I was able to lie to him, 

"Akaashi.." I whined, "I would be worried that he would make a move, or that he would get in my head, but I would never worry that I would voluntarily make a choice that could hurt you." He frowned, 

"Just say 'no', it kills me that you can't look at me and say no." Akaashi held up his hands. 

"No," I blurted, "I wasn't worried I would make the wrong choice. I was worried that I would get manipulated and not be able to focus on us. I thought that if I went there and saw him without you that he would think I hadn't changed." I held my chest as I spoke, but he still looked hurt, even more than before. 

"I don't get it Bokuto, why did he come and tell me about all these things to ask you? Why does he think these things matter?" He was crying now, holding his composure incredibly. I hated that I couldn't wipe those tears away, 

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