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"Wow, cozy you two?" Akinori. 

I  pushed off of Akaashi's lap and fought my eyes to open. Akaashi calmly woke up  and  looked over to me. 

"Huh?" He said, rubbing his eyes. I watched Akinori file away the  image as he nodded his head, 

"Next time we have nap  time can i be invited? You two looked KNOCKED out." He laughed and sat down on the couch across from Akaashi on the chaise. 

"We didn't mean to sleep that long." I said, rubbing my neck  and subtly  checking the status  of my crotch. All good. 

"Well I am an hour early, I just wanted to hang for a bit before the game." He said, kicking up his feet. 

"It's a practice game, we don't need mr. future captain getting all worked up." Akaashi side eyed me, i crossed my arms, 

"As if, I know these kids.  I  won't  get  worked up."  I lied, boldly. Both of them laughed and I hated seeing them be all friendly and gang up on me. I was going to carry this team one day. 

"Oh come on hun, we  all know how you're going to  act  tomorrow."  Akaashi  smiled and Akinori,  who nodded, 

"Yeah Bokuto," Akinori agreed,  "It's  gonna be quite  the  performance." 

"This isn't fair!"  I  pouted,  "You  two  can't  gang up  on me."  

Akaashi laughed and  shot his  hand out  to brush my  knee,  Akinori noticed everything. He  definitely read  me  like  a book  and  i  felt  like  he  was  going  to say something in front  of  everyone.  

"We aren't ganging up on you, we're  just messing around." Akinori winked at me and I  huffed before excusing myself.  Akinori picked up on my heel and followed  me  into  the  bathroom, 

"You have no  personal space," I  said  and leaned against the sink while he walked past me to sit on the edge of the tub, 

"It's a gift," He  touched his chest as if blessed by what i said, "Anyway, about that nap.."  He wiggled his eyebrows at me. 

"No No," I  shook my head, "What did you tell him when you followed me INTO the bathroom? " I asked, worried he  would think we were messing around or something irrational. 

"I just said i had some gossip to get from you, he smirked and let  me go." Akinori laughed and played with his gray hair. 

I crossed my arms and leaned back, 

"SO.." Akinori grinned,  "The nap?" he pressed, 

"Was a nap,  I was asleep." I stuck my tongue out at him, he reached  forward and pinched my shin. 

"I want  details on how you ended up  on his lap like that."  He crossed his arms to  mock me, 

"I was laying the other way and HE put my feet on his lap  and fell asleep, we probably slept like that for  thirty minutes, but then i woke up sweating and had  to readjust. So I just asked him if it was ok and he told me to shut  up and pulled me into him. That's it, just some platonic napping." I threw my hands up in defense as he gawked at me. 

"Bokuto, nothing about that sounds very platonic." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Of course it didn't, because if i was being honest, it wasn't. Not for me atleast. 

"It's fine, im focusing on volleyball," I shrugged and turned to face the mirror, Akinori's smug face was in the corner of the mirror. 

He smiled, "You like him don't you?" He asked. I pretended to be above the thought, 

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