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Akaashi laid down on the couch, practice having taken all his energy, especially since he barely ate lunch. He didn't have to energy to get up and cook something anyway, so he took out his phone and looked through the ordering options. 

Nothing, of course. There were plenty of options, but none of them sounded good. He was going to have to go to the store to get food. 

Letting out a low groan as he stretched before getting off the coach. He went upstairs to change into not sweaty practice clothes. A shower was what he needed. His list of to-do's was getting longer. 

He showered, resisted the urge to masturbate, changed into a pair of white running shorts and a light pink tee shirt. He enjoyed the fabric texture, his mother enforcing the 'pink isnt for girls' narrative his entire life. He owned a few too many pink shirts, but he wore them anyway. Aware that he looked a bit too brooding and large for them. 

He grabbed the loose money on the counter, his parents always leaving him money to eat with. Walking back out to the hot air, it was fall, yet the breeze wasn't here yet. He tucked the money in his pocket and began jogging into town. 


I walked a few steps behind Washio and Asuki, they graduated from hand holding to him wrapping his arm around her shoulders. It didn't make walking home with them awkward.. even though Washio said she was getting a ride from her sister. 

I checked my phone again, knowing nothing was different, but it was something to look at while those two made me look like a weird stalker of theirs. My road was only a few blocks away, hopefully i would be able to split from them soon. 

The sweat dripped down between my eyebrows, forcing me to wipe my face, jeeze it was hot. I shrugged before joining Washio in being shirtless, what was the point in 90 degree weather? Plus the humidity was suffocating. 

My chance to seperate from them, i was going to jog the rest of the way home. Perfect, 

"Washio, Asuki, I'm just gonna jog home from here. Have a good night." I announced, they both turned to ask me if i was sure.. Of course i was, who wants to third wheel all day? 

"Yeah of course, see you at practice." I waved and turned down the next corner, tucking my shirt into my waist band. 

I started jogging, my knee not too happy about the brace-less exercise, but the therapist said it was okay to start pushing it now. As soon as i fell into a rhythm i felt the stress from trying to pay attention in classes melt away, nothing but the next fluid step on the concrete on my mind. Definitely no Akaashi on my mind. 

Fucking dark eyes watching me as his mouth widened, his perfect white teeth, his long muscular arm, and not those too thick thighs. None of that was on my mind, certainly not his profile as he glanced back at me before a set, or his face when he caught me looking at him. I don't know why i would be thinking about such random and meaningless things while i ran. 

Who was i kidding? He was the only thing on my mind, so much so that i looked around and saw I had ran too far. 

"FUCK!" I cursed, panting as i hunched over on my knees. I saw my thighs were deep red, thankful i had changed into warmer clothes and left my bag at school. This run wouldn't have been fun in dress pants with a bag full of shit on my side. 

I heard someone's music, their headphones way too loud. I looked up, wiping the sweat from my forehead. As soon as i flung my hand to the side he froze. Sweat had soaked the front of his shirt between his pecks, the lines of his muscles outlined by the thin pink shirt. His thighs also clearly on fire. I found his eyes quickly, not wanting to stare at his legs too long, I saw his gaze drift over me before rolling behind his eyelids. 

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