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Being rich has its perks. One of those perks is owning a fancy boat without worrying of damages or hiring a professional captain. Who needs professionals when you can take all of your reckless friends on a fun boat trip! 

Nightmare and Dream were the co-owners of The Golden Apple. No, it's not a Minecraft reference, it's the name of their boat! This boat may have been bought impulsively; it was small but totally brand new. The twins figured since they could drive a car, how difficult would it be to drive a boat? It might take a second, but they could always get the hang of it, right? Besides, the skies were clear, they would run into no trouble at all. Their plan was to take the boat out to sea for a few days, just to take a break from the world and to hang out with their closest friends.

The first two days went by excellently. Calm waters, warm sun, catchy music, and Lust making delicious drinks at the bar. The third day proved more difficulties. Despite checking the weather more than twice before their trip, an unexpected storm rocked the boat. Being tossed out of your bed onto a partially flooded boat is never the ideal way of waking up, but was certainly the way to wake up panicked. With the ocean showing no mercy and the rain relentlessly pouring, the twelve could barely get around the boat. No one was sure of what to do. They tried all they could to steer the boat out of the storm, keep their friends and things on board, and to stay alive. Eventually, the waves became too strong and overpowered The Golden Apple.

Hours later when the storm had finally passed, the boat was barely afloat and everyone was still onboard. As miraculous as that was, the boat would join the Titanic very shortly. The twelve frantically scoured the boat for the lifeboats, however only one was intact. That could work, it would have to. The lifeboat was dropped into the water. Before he dropped down, Ink spotted an island not too far from them. Paddles were passed out and the exhausted twelve made their way towards the island as fast as they possibly could. Once reaching the shore, they tugged the lifeboat onto the sand. Those who had paddles dropped them. One by one, they all basically collapsed on the shore.

Even though they were all glad that everyone was safe, one thought lurked in the back of everyone's mind:

What the fuck will happen now?


And so the story begins (or rebegins, if you're reading as I'm editing). The twelve are now stuck on a deserted island! 

Please send any asks, dares, or gifts so I can start on the next chapter!

Future chapters will be much longer than this don't worry lmao hope you guys enjoyed this and anyways peace out!

((EDITED AS OF 12/30/22

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